XVI Jornades Internacionals María Zambrano: La novel·la

May 3 and 4, 2017
Universitat de Barcelona, Sala Gabriel Oliver, Edifici Josep Carner, c/ Aribau 2 - 08007 Barcelona
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The Seminari María Zambrano at the Universitat de Barcelona holds the 16th International Workshop on María Zambrano, "María Zambrano: La novel·la", with the aim of reflecting on different aspects of the thinker's work. The workshop will analyse Zambrano's writing in dialogue with the historicity and temporality of the novel as a literary genre. Speakers will include, among others, Elena Laurenzi (ADHUC-Università del Salento), Antonio Castilla, Miguel Morey, Ana Rodríguez, Adolfo Sotelo (UB) and María Ortega (Universidad de Viena). The event, led by Virginia Trueba in collaboration with the Centre ADHUC, is part of the project TRAFILO FFI2015-63828-P, MINECO/FEDER, UE.
Alberto Albert,
Ana Bundgård,
Antonio Castilla,
María Elizalde ,
Edmond Girbal ,
Elena Laurenzi,
Miguel Morey,
María Ortega,
Patricia Palomar,
Elena Pérez Mejuto,
Ana Rodríguez,
Teresa Rosell Nicolás,
Adolfo Sotelo,
Virginia Trueba,
Juan E. Valls Boix
Seminari María Zambrano (UB)
In collaboration with
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, gènere i sexualitat;
Departament de Filologia Hispànica, Teoria de la Literatura i Comunicació (UB);
Deganat de Filosofia (UB);
Facultat de Belles Arts (UB);
Facultat de Filologia (UB);
Facultat de Filosofia (UB);
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures;
GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588)