VI Jornada de màster ADHUC
The program for the 6th Edition of ADHUC Master's Seminar is now available. Organized by ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat, it will take place on September 10th, 2021. Presentations include a number of perspectives around notions of gender and feminist theory in relation to literature and contemporary thought, such as vulnerability, sexuality, pregnancy, hysteria, desire, conflict, the concept of limit, queer corporealities and heteronormativity. Participants include Javier Moscoso, Alba Centelles, Alba Palau, Ane Villagran, Clàudia Martori, Marcelo Fornari and Marina Sendra. The sessions will be chaired by Meritxell Matas and Natàlia Rodríguez.
Please find a link to the program in the top right-hand corner of this screen.
The seminar will be open to the public. In order to access the Zoom room, please fill in the registration form beforehand. Personal data will exclusively be used for organization purposes (information, attendance certificates).
We are pleased to announce the CFP for the VI Jornada de màster ADHUC, organized by ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat, directed at MA students who are writing or have written (in the last two years) their MA thesis about theoretical or methodological topics regarding gender and sexuality applied to the analysis of literary, cultural and artistic productio, thought, history, social practices, and bioethics.
Proposals must include the following data:
- Full name
- MA and university affiliation
- Presentation Title
- Key words (up to 3)
- Presentation Abstract (max. 200 words)
- Brief bio note
- Proposal deadline: July 15, 2021 at
- Presentation Acceptance Notifications: July 23, 2021
- Activity date: September 10, 2021. Activity online.
(PGC2018‐094463‐B‐100 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE);