V Jornades Internacionals de tardor: Les violències de gènere. Diàleg entre el present i el passat
Tàcita Muta–Grup d'Estudis de Dones i Gènere a l'Antiguitat, from ADHUC, is the organizer of the International Symposium "Les violències de gènere. Diàleg entre el present i el passat", coordinated by Maria Dolors Molas and Cristina Yúfera. The symposium aims at reflecting on gender-based violence from a historical perspective, and will focus on every-day kinds of violence manifested throughout different historical periods, the construction of hegemonic discourses, and the responses women display when faced with different sorts of gender-based violence. The participants will be, amongst others, Fina Birulés and Mariela Fargas (ADHUC, Universitat de Barcelona), Teresa Viñolas (Universitat de Barcelona), Clara Rubiera (University of Edinburgh), Meri Torras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and the Tàcita Muta researchers Agnès Garcia-Ventura (Università degli Studi di Roma), Elisabet Huntingford and Joana Zaragoza (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Marc Orriols (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), and Araceli Rosillo, Aroa Santiago (FAO). This activity is part of the research project "The transmission of knowledge in female philosophical thought". Free admission.