Troubling Houses: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature
Universitat de Barcelona
C/ Aribau, 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
Announcement of the program of the International Symposium "Troubling Houses: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature", coordinated by Rodrigo Andrés and Cristina Alsina Rísquez and organised by ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat. This symposium will include the participation of David Fontanals, Joana Masó, Eva Puyuelo Ureña (ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona), Cynthia Stretch (Southern Connecticut State University), Carmen Méndez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Elena Ortells (Universitat Jaume I), Michael Jonik (University of Sussex), and Vicent Cucarella-Ramon (Universitat de València). This activity results from the project "Troubling Houses: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature". Open to the public.