Traduir el gènere / Translating Gender / Traduire le genre
c/ Aribau, 2
08007 Barcelona
The International Research Network, IRN World Gender, celebrates the Workshop "Translate the genre / Translating Gender / Traduire le genre", organized by ADHUC-Research Center Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and the Laboratoire d'études de genre et de sexualité of the CNRS. In this workshop, key concepts in cultural translation within the field of Gender Studies will be analyzed. Among the participants in the workshop sessions, there will be researchers from the scientific institutions that make up this network, such as Cornell University, Duke University, Freie Universität Berlin, Helsingfors Universitet, Université Hassan II de Casablanca, University of Leeds, as well as ADHUC and LEGS. Assistance is restricted to researchers invited to the workshops.