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Polítiques de les emocions: Diàlegs des del gènere i la sexualitat

June 13, 17 and 19, 2014
Aula 0.1, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2 - 08007 Barcelona i Institut d'Humanitats - CCCB, c/ Montalegre 5 - 08001 Barcelona
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The Centre Dona i Literatura and the Institut d'Humanitats - CCCB are organizing the symposium "Polítiques de les emocions: Diàlegs des del gènere i la sexualitat", coordinated by Marta Font (Centre Dona i Literatura), Katarzyna Paszkiewicz and María Teresa Vera Rojas (Universitat de Barcelona). The symposium proposes a dialogue around the "affective turn" in order to reflect on how emotions are instrumental in the normalization, but also in the dismantling of gender and sexuality. Furthermore, it will discuss how emotions might help rethink the ways in which power structures operate, not only in the regulation of intimacy, but also in the forces that configure social and intersubjective relationships. Keynote speakers include Hélène Cixous, who will talk about "The call of literature"; Javier Moscoso (CSIC), who will address the modern medicalization of passions; and Marta Segarra (Centre Dona i Literatura), who will reflect on emotions and boundaries of the human community. Also participating in this symposium are several researchers from the Centre Dona i Literatura, as well as Elena Luisa Delgado (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Director of the Centro de Estudios California-Illinois at the Universitat de Barcelona), Katarzyna Moszczyńska (Uniwersytet Warszawski) and Montse Romaní (researcher and cultural producer), amongst others. This event is part of the research project "Literature and Communities: A Gendered Approach".


Marta Font,
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz,
María Teresa Vera Rojas
Rodrigo Andrés,
Hélène Cixous,
Luisa Elena Delgado,
Helena González Fernández,
Ester Jordana,
Laura López Peña,
Joana Masó,
Javier Moscoso,
Katarzyna Moszczyńska,
Diego del Pozo,
Georgina Rabassó,
Dolores Resano,
Montse Romaní,
Marta Segarra
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Institut d'Humanitats - CCCB;
Projecte de recerca: Literatura y comunidades: una visión desde el género