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The mother tongue: communities of memory

Friday April 21, 2023
Seminari de l'Àrea de Història Moderna
Facultat de Geografia i Història, 3r pis
Universitat de Barcelona
Carrer de Montealegre, 6, 08001 Barcelona
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Julia Lewandowska (Uniwersytet Warszawski and visiting researcher at ADHUC) coordinates the Research Project Workshop "The Mother Tongue: Community Memories". The event, which follows on from the one held  in 2022, will bring together specialists in the written production of nuns who will analyze the formulation, the traces of the community of memory in the legacy preserved between 1560 and 1700. Mariela Fargas (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona), Beatriz Ferrús (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Bernarda Urrejola (Universidad de Chile), Verónica Zaragoza (Universitat de València), as well as archivists Mercè Gras (Arxiu dels Carmelites Descalços de Catalunya i Balears) and Araceli Rosillo Luque (Arxiu-Biblioteca dels Franciscans de Catalunya) will participate in the event, in addition to the coordinator. The workshop is a result of the project "The Mother Tongue: Textuality, Authority and Community in the Post-Teresian Reform Female Monasticism (ca. 1560-1700)", funded by the National Science Center (Poland).

Attendance by invitation.

Julia Lewandowska
Mariela Fargas,
Beatriz Ferrús,
Mercè Gras,
Araceli Rosillo-Luque,
Bernarda Urrejola,
Verónica Zaragoza
Uniwersytet Warszawski;
National Science Centre Poland;
Project "The Mother Tongue: Textuality, Authority and Community in the Post-Teresian Reform Female Monasticism (ca. 1560-1700)", National Science Centre, Polònia, no. 2020/39/D/HS2/00902
In collaboration with
ADHUC-Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat / Càtedra UNESCO Dones;
Proyecto "La conflictividad familiar: prácticas legales y socioculturales en Barcelona (XVI-XVIII)" PID2019-103970GB-100 MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033