Marking the differences. Studies in gender and literature in Latin America
Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau 2 – 08007 Barcelona
What are the current debates around gender in literature and cultural production in Latin America? What epistemological challenges and tensions are there to face? The objective of the international workshop “Marking the differences. Studies in gender and literature in Latin America coordinated by Helena González (ADHUC—University of Barcelona) is to gather specialists in studies of gender and literature to encourage the exchange of knowledge, resources, practices and results. Some specialists will give brief initial exposisions of their current lines of investigation, achievements and challenges. Then, the debate will open to include the people in attendance.
A spoken piece of 5 minutes maximum. Attendance by invitation. Provisional program: pending until the list of participants is complete.
This activity is a result of the "Tránsfugas y parias modernas" research project.