Literatura brasileira do século XXI. Produção e desafios críticos
21st-century Brazilian literature has turned into an exceptional space for the exploration of current cultural production. In the seminar "Literatura brasileira do século XXI. Produção e desafios críticos", Carmen Villarino (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela), a specialist in Brazilian literature from the perspective of gender studies and social literature, will give an overview of current literary production, the critical challenges, the preocupations involved in Brazilian cultural debates, the works of today's women writers, and crime novels. This seminar, coorganized by Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos and the Centre Dona i Literatura, is held as part of the activities of the research project "Women and Crime Novel in Spain (1975-2010): Women writers, power figures, victims and criminals (MUNCE)". The seminar will be in Portuguese. Attendance by invitation only.