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"La Famiglia": gènere(s) i postcolonialisme en la novel·la negra

Friday May 27, 2016 from 9h15 to 17h30
Sala del Professorat, Edifici Josep Carner, Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Aribau 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
Programa (1.03 MB)

The symposium "'La Famiglia': gènere(s) i postcolonialisme en la novel·la negra" seeks to reflect on how crime fiction deals with social issues such as family bonds, poverty, inmigration and alternative family structures from the perspective of gender and postcolonial studies. The symposium is organized by the research projects "Ficción Criminal Postcolonial: una ventana global a las realidades sociales" (POCRIF) and "Víctimas y agresoras. Representaciones de la violencia en la narrativa criminal escrita por mujeres" (VANACEM). The participants will be Cristina Alsina, Elena Losada and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz (Center for Women and Literature), Isabel Santaeulària (University of Lleida), Sue Ballyn, Maria Grau, Maria Xesús Lama, Bill Phillips, Martin Renes (University of Barcelona) and Caty Ribas (CESAG). The program includes a conversation with the writer Rosa Ribas, creator of the German Police Comissioner Cornelia Weber-Tejedor, the protagonist of the novels Con anuncio (2010) and En caída libre (2011). Don de lenguas (2013), written with Sabine Hofmann, is other of her most outstanding pieces. Attendance is free.



Cristina Alsina,
Sue Ballyn,
Maria Grau,
María Xesús Lama,
Elena Losada,
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz,
Bill Phillips,
Martin Renes,
Caty Ribas,
Rosa Ribas,
Isabel Santaulària
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Centre d'Estudis Australians;
Projecte de recerca Víctimas y agresoras. Representaciones de la violencia en la narrativa criminal escrita por mujeres (VANACEM) (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad);
Càtedra UNESCO Dones / ADHUC-Recerca, Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat