III Master Seminar ADHUC
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau 2, 5è pis - 08007 Barcelona
Final program and attendance
The final program of the symposium "III Master Seminar ADHUC" has been published. The symposium, organized by ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality which will take place on July 12, 2018, seeks to establish a dialogue over the issues of gender and feminist theory vulnerability, disease, emotions, and their representations in the current cultural panorama. The participants will be Cristina Beltrán, Arturo Corujo, Anna Cristobal, Irina Cruz, Lorena Franco, Daniela Franco, Joana Gil, Teresa Hoogeveen, Toni R. Juncosa, Sergio López, Meritxell Matas and Eva Puyuelo, from Universitat de Barcelona, as well as Alberto Poza from University of London. Free attendance.
Call for papers
The GRC Creació i Pensament de les Dones (Women’s Creation and Thought) is calling out for papers for the III Master Seminar ADHUC Symposium, which will take place on July 12, 2018 at the University of Barcelona. The symposium, coordinated by the professors Cristina Alsina and Rosa Rius Gatell, aims at exposing and debating innovative research dealing with methodological and theoretical issues applied to the field of sexuality and gender studies. This seminar is addressed to M.A. students working on their M.A. thesis (TFM) –or to those who have written it in the past two years- and whose research approaches these topics and/or applies this knowledge to the analysis of cultural and artistic production, thought, history and social practices. Papers for consideration must be submitted in Catalan, Spanish or English to adhuc@ub.edu until June 6, 2018. All proposals must include:
- First Name and Surname
- Email address
- M.A. Course and University
- Title of the paper
- Keywords (three words max.)
- Abstract (200 words max.)
Acceptance will be notified on June 22, 2018.