Heloisa Passos and the autobiographic documentary
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau 2, 3r pis – 08007 Barcelona
Ana França (Universidad Tecnológica Federal del Paraná) offers the seminar "Heloisa Passos: between Family Photographs and the Autobiographical Documentary". Brazilian photographer and filmmaker Heloisa Passos, one of the essential names in film creation in Brazil, has been the recipient of international awards, such as the Sundance Film Festival and the Rainbow Film Festival, and has directed the documentary Construindo pontes (2017). Ana Francia, a specialist in Brazilian Film Studies, is a predoctoral visiting researcher at ADHUC. Activity "Not only Clarice Lispector", organized by Galician and Portuguese Studies, ADHUC—Center for Research Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Cultures, linked to the project # Tránsfugas (FEM2017-83974-P MINECO / AEI / ERDF, EU). Activity held in Spanish. Entrance free of charge.