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Cixous: Corollaires d'une signature / Corollaries of a Signature

International Symposium
June 14 to 16, 2017
París, Maison Heinrich Heine, Cité Internationale Universitaire
CFP (69.73 KB)
Programa (1.64 MB)
Final program and attendance

The final program of the international symposium "Cixous: Corollaires d'une signature / Corollaries of a Signature", coorganized by the Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité–LEGS (CNRS–U. Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, U. Paris Nanterre), the Collège international de Philosophie, and the Maison Heinrich Heine‒Fondation de l’Allemagne, in collaboration with ADHUC-Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat, has just been published. The symposium, which will take place between June 14 and June 16, 2017 in Paris, will count with the participation of especialists coming from France, Germany, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, England, Canada, the United States and China. The conference will finish with the intervention "Max et Moritz et dt. mère" by Hélène Cixous herself.


Call for papers

The Centre Dona i Literatura is calling out for papers for the Cixous: Corollaires d'une signature / Corollaries of a Signature" International Symposium, which will take place between June 14 and June 16, 2017. This symposium aims at examining the contribution of the author to francophone and global literature and thought of the 20th and 21st centuries, while focussing on the following themes: origins, memories, differences, reading-writting, arts and scenes/stages. Hélène Cixous herself will take part in the symposium. The conference will be in French and English. Papers for consideration must be submitted to until October 17, 2016. All proposals must include a title and an abstract of the paper (300 words max.) and a bio-biographical note (200 words max.) in a single document. If applying for a travel grant, a brief rationale should be appended to the same document.


Photo: Juande Jarillo®

Joana Masó,
Marta Segarra,
Eric Prenowitz,
Fréderic Regard
Anne E. Berger,
Hélène Cixous,
Laurie Corbin,
Maxime Decout,
Laurent Dubreuil,
Marie-Dominique Garnier,
Ginette Michaud,
Cristina Morar,
Michèle Ramond,
Nathalie Segeral,
Cécile Wajsbrot,
Brigitte Weltman-Aron
Laboratoire d’études de genre et de sexualité–LEGS (CNRS–U. Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, U. Paris Nanterre);
Collège international de Philosophie;
Maison Heinrich Heine‒Fondation de l’Allemagne (U. Paris Lumières)
In collaboration with
ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, gènere i sexualitat;
Maison Heinrich Heine;
Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis;
Université Paris Lumières;
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures;
GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588)