The attraction of a torn heart
c/ Montalegre 6-8 - 08001 Barcelona
The Seminari Filosofia i Gènere and the Grup Arendtià de Pensament i Política (GAPP) have organised a reading seminar with Martine Leibovici, emeritus professor from the Université Paris Diderot-París 7 and acknowledged specialist on Hannah Arendt, within the Arendtian Springs Lecture Cycle (Primaveres arendtianes). Leibovici will go over the main points of her text “La atracción de un corazón desgarrado: Rousseau, de Robespierre a Rahel Varnhagen”, which she specially wrote for the book Hannah Arendt (published on December 2017 by Eudeba and Katz Editores, edited by À. Lorena Fuster and Matías Sirczuk). After Leibovici’s lecture, there will be a discussion with the members of the Seminari Filosofia i Gènere in order to analyze the different issues related to the text. Attendance by invitation.
This activity it’s part of the research project “La transmisión desde el pensamiento filosófico femenino", FFI2015-63828-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE).