Transgénero: María Xosé Queizán y Teresa Moure
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
Carrer d'Aribau 2, 2n pis, 08007 Barcelona
What is the transgender and how is it represented in Galician feminist literature? How are the foundational categories, such as heterosexuality/homosexuality, identity/otherness, identification/idealization, inside/outside, denaturalized? Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst (GENIA-Uniwersytet Warszawski) will give the lecture "Transgénero: María Xosé Queizán y Teresa Moure", where she analyzes the novels A semellanza (1988), by María Xosé Queizán, and Benquerida catástrofe (2007), by Teresa Moure, which question and rewrite trans corporealities and emotions in moments of debate within feminism.
This activity is part of the "Non só Rosalía de Castro" Cycle, organized by Galician and Portuguese Studies and ADHUC-Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat. Attendance is open to anyone interested.