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Itziar González Virós: Subversió i política

Tuesday April 15, 2014 at 19h
Sala d'Actes, Arts Santa Mònica, La Rambla 7 - 08002 Barcelona

Itziar González Virós will give a lecture as part of Mar Arza's exhibition "Lectures i consums...", held at the Arts Santa Mònica and curated by Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Assumpta Bassas (Universitat de Barcelona). González Virós, architect, neighbor of Ciutat Vella, former councilor of Barcelona's central district and one of the driving forces behind the project "Parlament Ciutadà", will reflect on how politics contain a genuine subversive potential, if conceived as a struggle for that which is common to us all.

Assumpta Bassas,
Joana Masó
Itziar González Virós
Arts Santa Mònica;
Centre Dona i Literatura;
IFB - Institut Francès de Barcelona;
Xarxa de Biblioteques de Barcelona;
Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona;
La Bonne - Centre de cultura de dones Francesca Bonnemaison