Hilda Hilst: On Desire

Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes 585 -08007 Barcelona
The bilingual edition of Hilda Hilst’s poetry collection On Desire (Do desejo) will be presented at the Universitat de Barcelona. Hilst (1930-2004), a major figure of late twentieth-century Brazilian literature, is known for her obscene, defiant, and erotic writing. The participants will be Xavier Arola, editor at Prometeu Edicions; Helena González Fernández (ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona), author of the foreword; and the translators Josep Domènech i Ponsatí and Joana Castells Savall. Some representatives of Catalan and Brazilian institutions will also take part in the presentation, including Maite Vilalta, Vice-Rector for Equal Opportunities and Social Action; Maria Elisa Berenguer, Consul-Geral do Brasil; and Wagner Novaes, Centro Cultural do Brasil em Barcelona. This activity is coorganized by ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality and Prometeu Edicions.