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Écrire si près : De l'écriture toucher. Lettres au corps

Wednesday April 22, 2015 from 12h to 14h
Aula 107, Edifici Històric, Universitat de Barcelona, Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 – 08007 Barcelona
Info (3.24 MB)

In her lecture "Écrire si près : De l'écriture toucher. Lettres au corps", Nadia Setti will take as a starting point the oeuvre of the thinker and creator Hélène Cixous in order to suggest connections with texts by Jacques Derrida and Françoise Collin. The aim is to question the son's subjective position, his "I", in relation to the mother, in order to reflect on this mechanism that reconciles us with and makes us closer to our own bodies and the bodies of others. Setti will pose the question of whether it is possible to render an autobiographical account in such close proximity to the body, and what are the effects on the exposed body. Nadia Setti is a professor of gender studies, women studies and comparative literature, and she is a member of the Laboratoire études de genre et de sexualité at Université Paris 8. The lecture will be in French.

Nadia Setti
Centre Dona i Literatura;
Estudis Francesos;
GRC Creació i pensament de les dones