Disobedience as a form of happiness

Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Universitat de Barcelona
c/ Aribau, 2, 1r pis – 08007 Barcelona
Joana Sabadell-Nieto (ADHUC-Hamilton College) offers a conference titled "La desobediencia como forma de felicidad". From the perspective of gender studies and popular culture, she will analyze issues related to sexuality, agency, and the (self)representation of age as world-transforming activism in literary texts and film. Sabadell-Nieto is a professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature and author of numerous articles, chapters and books such as Desbordamientos. Transformaciones culturales y políticas de las mujeres (Col. Mujeres y Culturas, Icaria, 2011) and co-editor of Differences in Common. Gender, Vulnerability and Community (Rodopi, 2014), with Marta Segarra (LEGS-CNRS and ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona).
Activity co-organized by the Master Program CRIC and ADHUC. Attendance is open to anyone interested.