Cuerpos (trans)nacionales. Pornoburka de Brigitte Vasallo

Elena Castro, visiting scholar at Centre de recerca ADHUC – Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat, will give a master class entitled "Cuerpos (trans)nacionales. Pornoburka, de Brigitte Vasallo". Castro, professor at the Louisiana State University, has analyzed, from an intersectional perspective, the multiculturalism emergent from Hispanic poetry and, at the same time, the analysis and production of Spanish literature through gender and sexuality. Amongst her publications, it is important to highlight the book Poesía lesbiana queer. Cuerpos y sujetos inadecuados (Icaria, 2014) or the articles "Sexual dissidence and memoria histórica in Donde nadie te encuentre, by Alicia Giménez Bartlett" and "Representaciones y retos de las multitudes queer. La era posgénero en el Estado español".