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VR-Based Cue Exposure Therapy

VR-Based Cue Exposure Therapy
Publications related with this project
● Ferrer-Garcia, M.; Pla-Sanjuanelo,J.; Dakanalis,A.; Vilalta-Abella, F.; Riva, G.;Fernandez-Aranda, F.; Forcano,L.; Riesco, N.;Sanchez, I.; Clerici, M.; Ribas-Sabate, J.; Andreu-Gracia, A.; Escandon-Nagel, N.; Gomez-Tricio, O.; Tena, V.; Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2019).
A randomized trial of Virtual Reality-Based Cue Exposure second-level therapy and cognitive behavior second-level therapy for bulimia nervosa and Binge-Eating Disorder: outcome at six-month followup.
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking, 22(1), 60-68. doi:10.1089/cyber.2017.0675
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Vilalta-Abella, F., Riva, G., Clerici, M., ... Dakanalis, A. (2017).
A Randomised Controlled Comparison of Second-Level Treatment Approaches for Treatment-Resistant Adults with Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Assessing the Benefits of Virtual Reality Cue Exposure Therapy.
European eating disorders review: the journal of the Eating Disorders Association. doi:10.1002/erv.2538
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Dakanalis, A., Vilalta-Abella, F., Riva, G., Fernandez-Aranda, F., ... Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2017).
Eating behavior style predicts craving and anxiety experienced in food-related virtual environments by patients with eating disorders and healthy controls.
Appetite, 117, 284-293. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2017.07.007
● Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Ferrer-Garcia, J., Vilalta-Abella, F., Riva, G., Dakanalis, A., Ribas-Sabate, J., Andreu-Gracia, A., Fernandez-Aranda, F., Sanchez, I., Escandon-Nagel, N., Gomez-Tricio, O., Tena, V., & Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2017).
VR-based cue-exposure therapy (VR-CET) versus VR-CET plus pharmacotherapy in the treatment of bulimic-type eating disorders.
Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 15, 116-122.
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Porras-Garcia, B., Gonzalez-Ibanez, C., Gracia-Blanes, M., Vilalta-Abella, F., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Riva, G., Dakanalis, A., Achotegui-Loizate, J., Talarn-Caparros, A., n Ribas-Sabate, J., Andreu-Gracia, A., Diaz-Marsa, M., Monras-Arnau, M., Serrano-Troncoso, E., Treasure, J., & Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2017).
Does owning a 'fatter' virtual body increase body anxiety in college students?
Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 15, 147-153.
● Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Ferrer-Garcia, M., Vilalta-Abella, F., Riva, G., Dakanalis, A., Ribas-Sabate, J., ... Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2017). Testing virtual reality-based cue-exposure software: Which cue-elicited responses best discriminate between patients with eating disorders and healthy controls? Eating and weight disorders: EWD. doi:10.1007/s40519-017-0419-4
● Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., & Ferrer-Garcia, M. (2016). Cue-exposure software for the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Psicothema, 28(4), 363-369. doi:10.7334/psicothema2014.274
● Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Ferrer-Garcia, M., Vilalta-Abella, F., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Andreu-Gracia, A., Dakanalis, A., ... Tena, V. (2016). Using virtual reality for cue-exposure therapy in a case of bulimia nervosa. Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, 14, 155-160.
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Vilalta-Abella, F., Andreu-Gracia, A., Dakanalis, A., ... Sanchez, I. (2015). External Eating as a Predictor of Cue-reactivity to Food-related Virtual Environments. Studies in health technology and informatics, 219, 117-122. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-595-1-117
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Treasure, J., & Vilalta-Abella, F. (2015). Craving for Food in Virtual Reality Scenarios in Non-Clinical Sample: Analysis of its Relationship with Body Mass Index and Eating Disorder Symptoms. European Eating Disorders Review, 23(5), 371-378. doi:10.1002/erv.2375
● Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Riva, G., Andreu-Gracia, A., Dakanalis, A., ... Sanchez-Planell, L. (2015). Identifying specific cues and contexts related to bingeing behavior for the development of effective virtual environments. Appetite, 87, 81-89. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2014.12.098
● Agliaro-Lopez, M., Ferrer-Garcia, M., Pla-Sanjuanelo, J., & Gutierrez-Maldonado, J. (2014). Induccion de craving por comida mediante realidad virtual no inmersiva. Revista de Psicopatologia y Psicologia Clinica - Spanish Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19(3), 243-251. doi:
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Agliaro-Lopez, M., Lobera-Espi, X., Pla, J., & Vilalta-Abella, F. (2014). Validation of VR-based Software for Binge Eating Treatment: Preliminary Data. Studies in health technology and informatics, 199, 146-150. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-401-5-146
● Ferrer-Garcia, M., Gutierrez-Maldonado, J., Pla, J., Riva, G., Andreu-Gracia, A., Dakanalis, A., ... Sanchez-Planell, L. (2014). Development of a VR Application for Binge Eating Treatment: Identification of Contexts and Cues Related to Bingeing Behavior in Spanish Italian Patients. Studies in health technology and informatics, 199, 71-75. doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-401-5-71
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