Further information

Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Wednesday, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Course fees

*Students enrolled in one of the UB’s degree programmes in the academic year 2023-2024.

1Price for UB students (mobility students), covering administration and examination.

2Free course for UB students who have successfully completed Level A1 at the Language Services during the academic year 2023-2024, and for students who completed this level at the Ramon Llull Institute.

3Price for UB students who have successfully completed Level A1 at the Language Services during the academic year 2023-2024, and for students who completed this level at the Ramon Llull Institute. Covering administration, examination and some complementary cultural activities.

4Course subsidized by the Catalan linguistic and cultural orientation plan of the University of Barcelona.

Course CEFR level Mode Length UB students* External user
Basic 1 A1 Face-to-face 30 h €25(1)(4) €191
Basic 1 A1 Online 20 + 10 h €25(1)(4) €191
Basic 2 A2 Face-to-face 50 h No fee(2)(4) / €190 €325
Basic 2 (summer course) A2 Face-to-face 50 h €25(3)(4) €325
Basic 1 + 2 (summer course) A2 Face-to-face 80 h €50(1)(4) €494
Elementary B1 Face-to-face 60 + 20 h €302 €408

Fees are pending approval by the Economic Commission and ratification by the Board of Trustees.

If too few people sign up for a course, we may cancel it. Note that this is also the only case in which we refund any fees paid.