School of Archaeology in Abruzzo (Italy)-summer program 2022

Dimecres, 02 Març 2022.

Application is now open for the international School of Archaeology in Abruzzo (Italy)-2022 summer program, organized by the University of Pisa (Italy).

The Archaeological Summer School in Abruzzo is a part of a multi-faceted research program that aims at reconstructing the history of human occupation in central Italy during the Neolithic period.

The school program arises from the desire to offer students, from all over the world, the chance to participate in current research, allowing them to live an important experience of personal and professional growth.

Our aim is to increase awareness and skills of the students on archaeological and methodological issues through an intensive program:

- morning: field activities at Rio Tana, the most ancient Neolithic site of Central Italy;

- afternoon: field activities/ experimental activities/laboratories/surveys.

During the school time, students will be involved in experimental activities focused on the manufacturing techniques and use of Neolithic lithic products and could participate at Surveys organized in order to investigate the surrounding territory and the possible lithic outcrops used by Neolithic groups.

School Partners: Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape of Abruzzo, ICCOM-CNR U.O.S. of Pisa and INGV of Rome.

 To notice:

Every year the School of Archaeology organizes a call for a financial grant: One of 1000 Euro, sponsored by the University of Pisa, is available to meritorious students from developing countries (defined by the World Bank).

To ask the grant is necessary:

- apply to the school

- send all documents required for the inscription

- send a cover letter where the student briefly explains the grant request.

The deadline for request grant is 18 March 2022

In Brief:

Name: School of Archaeology in Abruzzo (Italy)-summer program 2022

Where: the school will take place in the area of Fucino in Abruzzo, a region of cCentral Italy

Dates:  from July 10th to 30th, 2022

Deadline: April 8th, 2022

Costs include: academic program, housing (shared rooms), meals, Resident Director, orientation, transportation to/from dig site, lab fees and official transcripts.

To Apply:

Each participant will earn 6 undergraduate credits and an official certificate of participation by the University of Pisa.

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