VII. International Online Conference on Education and Learning. May 19, 2023.

Áreas de Observación Noticias | Tipología , | Sin Comentarios | a 2 marzo

The VII. International Conference on Education and Learning will be held in the form of an online event. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions).

“In a world defined by digital technologies and advanced machinery, the opportunities for professions requiring mental and communicative skills are increasing every passing day. The quality and the adaptation of education to the current challenges have never been more important given the increasing competitive edge of various industries -not to mention the digital turn Pandemic conditions accelerated drastically. New concepts such as inquiry and sociability have become central principles, while creativity continues to spread into the layers of the education systems. The social and economic aspects surrounding the world of education are as essential as the theoretical ideals, as all teaching and learning processes are affecting the daily life, wellbeing, and effectiveness of large parts of our societies. The improvement potentials and socio-political context of various levels and fields of contemporary education systems will be the focus points of EDUCATION STUDIES Conference.”

They invite you to join them at the event and would like to emphasize that proposals from different parts of the world are welcomed.

 If you want to know more about this event, please click on the next link.


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