Future teachers learning about the teaching practice in a distance course degree.

Áreas de Observación Educación Secundaria, Formación Inicial | Tipología | Sin Comentarios | a 1 septiembre

Bezerra de Medeiros, F. & Macknamara, M. (2020). Future teachers learning about the teaching practice in a distance course degree. Acta Sci. Educ.,  42.


This article is the result of an investigation that employed the Teaching and Learning Focus (TLF) as a strategy to investigate what future biology teachers have learned about teaching. The analytical tools of the Teaching and Learning Focus were based on the writings of 71 memorials of undergraduates in Biological Sciences attending supervised internship in a teacher training graduation at a public university. The results show that these prospective teachers outline what they have learned about teaching in topics such as interests, attitudes, knowledge, and skills. They also think about teaching as an articulation between their selves, their practices, and their social context. We conclude that TLFs are important analytical tools not only for teacher training programs.

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