
Methods for the concentration and detection of adenoviruses and noroviruses in European bathing waters with reference to the revision of the bathing water directive 76/160/EEC -VIROBATHE-

2005 to 2007
Descripció (entitat, programa, ...): 
European Commission, Policy-oriented research, (513648 (SSPI))
Més info: 
Rosina Girones was the leader of of a workpackage on the development of quantitative molecular methods and typification of viral strains
Viruses from large-volume water samples

We have recently published our work on the evaluation of a virus concentration method based on ultrafiltration and wet foam elution for studying viruses from large-volume water samples as a open acces paper:

Webinar: Pandemia de COVID-19, implicaciones...

Organized by CWP. 9 Abril 2020: https://vimeo.com/405842574

Detecció de SARS cov2 en aigua residual

El nostre grup de recerca en col.laboració amb els grups liderats per Lluís Corominas i Carles Borrego de l'ICRA (Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua) de Girona duem a terme un estudi sobre la presència de SARSCoV2 en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigua Residual a Catalunya.

Microbiological contamination of conventional...