
Eva Fores Gil

Biografia i/o tasques: 

Biologist and Master of Science and Water Management (University of Barcelona). Currently doing his doctorate. His work focuses on the development and optimization of methods for the concentration of viruses in the field and in the evaluation of electrodesinfection methods for the inactivation of viruses in water

Viruses from large-volume water samples

We have recently published our work on the evaluation of a virus concentration method based on ultrafiltration and wet foam elution for studying viruses from large-volume water samples as a open acces paper:

Webinar: Pandemia de COVID-19, implicaciones...

Organized by CWP. 9 Abril 2020: https://vimeo.com/405842574

Detecció de SARS cov2 en aigua residual

El nostre grup de recerca en col.laboració amb els grups liderats per Lluís Corominas i Carles Borrego de l'ICRA (Institut Català de Recerca de l'Aigua) de Girona duem a terme un estudi sobre la presència de SARSCoV2 en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigua Residual a Catalunya.

Microbiological contamination of conventional...