Authors | Date | Name of publication. Magazine. Number, pages | ISSN |
Edwards, R.; Vega, A.; Norman, H.; Ohaeri, M.; Levi, K.; Dinsdale, E.; Cinek, O.; Aziz, R.; McNair, K.; Barr, J.; Bibby, K.; Brouns, S.; Cazares, A.; de Jonge, P.; Desnues, C.; Díaz Muñoz, S.; Fineran, P.; Kurilshikov, A.; Lavigne, R.; Mazankova, R.; Mccarthy, D.; Nobrega, F.; Reyes, A.; Tapia, G.; Trefault, N.; Tyakht, A.; Vinuesa, P.; Wagemans, J.; Zhernakova, A.; Aarestrup, F.; Ahmadov, G.; Alassaf, A.; Anton, J.; Asangba, A.; Billings, E.; Cantu, V.; Carlton, J.; Cazares, D.; Cho, G.; Condeff, T.; Cortés, P.; Cranfield, M.; Cuevas, D.; De la Iglesia, R.; Decewicz, P.; Doane, M.; Dominy, N.; Dziewit, L.; Elwasila, B. M.; Eren, A. M.; Franz, C.; Fu, J.; Garcia-Aljaro, C.; Ghedin, E.; Gulino, K.; Haggerty, J.; Head, S.; Hendriksen, R.; Hill, C.; Hyoty, H.; Ilina, E.; Irwin, M.; Jeffries, T.; Jofre, J.; Junge, R.; Khan Mirzaei, M.; Kelley, S.; Kowalewski, M.; Kumaresan, D.; Leigh, S.; Lipson, D.; Lisitsyna, E.; Llagostera, M.; Maritz, J.; Marr, L.; McCann, A.; Molshanski-Mor, S.; Monteiro, S.; Moreira-Grez, B.; Morris, M.; Mugisha, L.; Muniesa, M.; Neve, H.; Nguyen, N.; Nigro, O.; Nilsson, A.; O'Connell, T.; Odeh, R.; Oliver, A.; Piuri, M.; Prussin II, A.; Qimron, U.; Quan, Z.; Rainetova, P.; Ramírez Rojas, A.A.; Raya, R.; Britton, G.; Reasor, K.; Rossi, A.; Santos, R.; Shimashita, J.; Stachler, E.; Stene, L.; Strain, R.; Stumpf, R.; Torres, P.; Twaddle, A.; Ugochi Ibekwe, M.; Villagra, N.; Wandro, S.; White, B.; Whitely, A.; Whiteson, K.; Wijmenga, C.; Zambrano, M.; Zschach, H.; Dutilh, B. (AC). | 2019 | Global phylogeography and ancient evolution of the widespread human gut virus crAssphage. Nature Microbiology, 4(10), 1727-1736 | 2058-5276 |
Sala-Comorera, L.; Blanch, A.R.; Casanovas-Massana, A.; Monleon-Getino, A.; Garcia-Aljaro, C. | 2019 | Traceability of different brands of bottled mineral water during shelf life, using PCR-DGGE and next generation sequencing techniques. Food Microbiology, 82, 1-10. | 0740-0020 |
Gómez-Gómez, C.; Blanco-Picazo, P.; Brown-Jaque, M.; Quirós, P.; Rodríguez-Rubio, L.; Cerdà-Cuellar, M.; Muniesa, M. | 2019 | Infectious phage particles packaging antibiotic resistance genes found in meat products and chicken feces. Scientific Reports, 9, 13281 | 2045-2322 |
Ji, J.; Merino, S.; Tomás, J.M.; Roher, N. | 2019 | Nanoliposomes encapsulating immunostimulants modulate the innate immune system and elicit protection in zebrafish larvae. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 92, 421-429 | 1050-4648 |
Hüttener, M.; Prieto, A.; Aznar, S.; Bernabeu, M.;. Glaría, M.; Valledor, A.F.; Paytubi, S.; Merino, S.; Tomás, J.;. Juárez, A. | 2019 | Expression of a novel class of bacterial Ig-like proteins is required for IncHI plasmid conjugation. PLoS Genetics, 15(9), e1008399 | 1553-7390 |
Hispano-Vilaseca, C.; Blanch A.R. | 2019 | Gestión del bienestar animal en L'Aquàrium de Barcelona. Derecho Animal. Forum of Animal Law Studies, 10(4), 73-76 | 2462-7518 |
Galofre, B; Vilaró, C;Fernández,S;Baquero,D;González,S; Blanch, A.R; Lucena F., García-Aljaro C.; Sala-Comorera,L;Toribio D.; Ruvira M.A. ;Rodrigo Torres, L; Macián, M.C.; Ruiz Arahal, D.;Pujalte, M.J; Aznar-Novella, R. | 2019 | Drinking Water Library: nuevo recurso para identificar cepas bacterianas en aguas de consumo. Tecnoaqua, 37, 54-57. | 2340-2091 |
Garcia-Aljaro, C.; Otero, Ana; Defoirdt, T. | 2019 | Fundamentals of, and Applications Based on, Quorum Sensing and Quorum Sensing Interference. Frontiers in Microbiology | 1664-302X |
Campos, C., Méndez, J., Venegas, C., Riaño, L.F., Castaño, P., Leiton, N., Riaño, E. | 2019 | Aptness of Escherichia coli host strain CB390 to detect total coliphages in Colombia. Scientific Reports, 9, 9246 | 2045-2322 |
Pere López-Brosa; A Monleón-Getino; J. Méndez-Viera; F Lucena-Gutiérrez. | 2019 | Turbidity forecasting in the Delaware River. Journal of Research in Environmental and Earth Science, 5(2), 1-9 | 2348-2532 |