
Authors Date Name of publication. Magazine. Number, pages ISSN
Muniesa, M.; Recktenwald, J.; Bielaszewska, M.; Karch, H.; Schmidt, H. 2000 Characterization of a shiga toxin 2e-converting bacteriophage from an an Escherichia coli strain of human origin. Infection and Immunity, 68,  4850-4855 0019-9567
Kühn, I.; Iversen, A.; Burman, L.G.; Olsson-Liljequist, B.; Franklin, A.; Finn, M.; Aarestrup, F.; Syefarth, A.-M.; Blanch, A.R.; Taylor, H.; Caplin, J.; Moreno, M.A.; Dominguez, L.; Möllby, R. 2000 Epidemiology and ecology of enterococci, with special reference to antibiotic resistant strains, in animals, humans and the environment. Example of an ongoing project within the European research programme. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 14,  337-342 0924-8579
Muniesa, M.; Jofre, J. 2000 Ocurrence of phages infecting Escheridia coli O157:H7 carrying the Stx2 gene in sewage from different countries. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 183,  197-200 0378-1097
Papageorgiou, G.T.; Mocé-Llivina, L.; Christodoulou, C.G.; Lucena, F.; Akkelidou, D.; Ioannou, E.; Jofre, J. 2000 A simple methodological approach for culturing and identifying culturable viruses adsorbed to cellulose nitrate membrane filters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66(1),  194-198 0099-2240
Muniain, I.; Girones, R.; Lucena, F. 2000 Viral contamination of shellfish: evaluation of methods and analysis of bacteriophages and human viruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 89(1-2),  109-118 0166-0934
Pina, S.; Buti, M.; Cotrina, M.; Piella, J.; Girones, R. 2000 HEV identified in serum from humans with acute hepatitis and in sewage of animal origin in Spain. Journal of Hepatology, 33(5),  826-833 0168-8278
Cerdà-Cuéllar,M.; Jofre, J.; Blanch, A.R. 2000 A selective medium and a specific probe for detection of Vibrio vulnificusApplied and Environmental Microbiology, 66(2),  855-859 0099-2240
Puig, M.; Jofre, J.; Girones, R. 2000 Detection of phages infecting Bacteroides fragilis HSP40 using a specific DNA probe. Journal of Virological Methods, 42(3),  153-177 0166-0934
Bofill-Mas, S.; Pina, S.; Girones, R. 2000 Documenting the epidemiologic patterns of polyomaviruses in human populations by studying their presence in urban sewage. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66(1),  238-245 0099-2240
Puig, M.; Pina, S.; Lucena, F.; Jofre, J.; Girones, R. 2000 Description of a DNA amplification procedure for the detection of bacteriophages of Bacteroides fragilis HSP40 in environmental samples. Journal of Virological Methods, 89(1-2),  159-166 0166-0934