I Jornades del projecte "Paisajes Espirituales", 13 i 14 de Juny, Barcelona.


This sessions aimed to evaluate and plan future reseach within the project.












Jornades: "Testimoni del temps. La visió de l'Univers a l'Edat Mitjana


June 16 and 17, 2016. Researchers of MAHPA spoke about Science and Knowledge in the Middle Ages.















IV Abrils de L'Hospital

22 Abril de 2015, Girona.


Annual Scientific meeting about hospitals.



















CURA SUI: Conference on Spirituality and Monasticism in the Middle Ages. Reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Pedralbes. 15 d'octubre de 2015.


The Conference on Spirituality and Monasticism in the Middle Ages: CURA SUI explores the world of medieval monasticism, its origins, and legacy, in a interdisciplinary, transversal, and comparative way. The regular organization of this scientific event is the main outcome of the collaboration between the projects Claustra (IRCVM-UB) and the Reial Monster de Santa Maria de Pedralbes (ICUB) with the University Institute of Culture (IUC) of the Pompeu Fabra University. The conference aims to promote specific research and knowledge transfers goals linked with the history of Monasticism through the dissemination of results beyond the academic community. The first meeting was held in October, 2014. The publishing house Fragmenta will cooperate in the second edition, in October 2015, issuing a book with the results.

I Jornada d’Història de Castellar: Arxius Privats. 26 març 2015


This activity is the outcome of the collaboration between the project ARQUIBANC and the Historical Archive of Castellar del Vallès. It seeks to explain the importance of private archives—especially of patrimonial archives—for local history.








International Seminar “Visurar l’obra gòtica. Inspeccions i reunions d’arquitectes en època medieval i moderna” (Barcelona-Girona, March 20-21, 2015)


Some visual examinations relevant for the History of Gothic architecture, mainly those from the Crown of Aragon, were analysed during this seminar. They are certainly documents of great interest, not only for the understanding of buildings from a technical point of view, but also to better understand the architectural craft and thought of that time.

1st Archeological Seminar of Pallars Jussà. December 19-20, 2014


The aim of this seminar is to become a meeting point for archaeologists specialized in the geographic area of Pallars. Its purpose is to disclose the latest archaeological works, and to stress the importance of these studies in reassessing the historical and archaeological heritage of the region. The seminar has been possible thanks to the collaboration with the Consell Comarcal del Pallars Jussà, and aims to have continuity in the next years.



Session: “Memòria i escriptura a l’àmbit privat”. Dins del 4th international Medieval Meeting Lleida (June, 25-27, 2014)


This session highlighted the importance of writing in the formation of family memory and heritage management. Lectures were by Rosa Lluch: “La importància dels escrits medievals: conservació i coneixement”; Mireia Comas: “La castlania d’Eramprunyà en mans dels Centelles,” and Daniel Piñol: “’Tinc una carta’, anotacions marginals del llibre de la Baronia d’Eramprunyà”.



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Planning and documentation: Carme Muntaner i Alsina. Web design: David Carrillo Rangel.