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X Science Festival at the UB: Discover the research of the hand of 400 researchers!

On May 10 and 11, the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona will be filled with researchers, students and curious people to celebrate the tenth edition of the Science Festival. With more than 80 research projects and 400 researchers willing to share their knowledge, this event offers a unique opportunity to connect research with the public.

From the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) we participate with 11 workshops from 9 different research groups, showing the different and fascinating faces of biodiversity. Visitors will be able to discover: how animals adapt to caves, learn about plant stress due to climate change, explore the genomics of sea turtle colonization along with interactive activities such as: learning about pollution in the oceans and understand how bats survive viral infections. Below is the complete program of activities that our researchers will carry out:

De quina manera s'adapten els animals a viure a coves? 

Ecosistemes i canvi climàtic: estrès per salinitat i sequera. Com detectem si una planta està estressada? 

Els colors a la natura: què són els pigments i quines funcions tenen a les plantes? 

Els fruits i el seu sabor: per què com més madurs, més dolços? 

Qui viu sota les pedres del riu? 

Genòmica de la colonització de les tortugues marines 

Un mar de problemes : aprèn sobre els tipus de contaminació que amenacen els oceans 

Els ratpenats sobreviuen a infeccions víriques. Com ho fan? 

Submergeix-te amb nosaltres i explora la biodiversitat marina 

SÀPIENS. Iguals i diferents 

Qui soc? Juguem amb les plantes (Centre de Documentació de Biodiversitat Vegetal)

The workshops are designed for all audiences, from children to retirees, with the aim of bringing science closer together and highlighting the importance of research for society. Entry is free, and the event will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on both days.

Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of science and discover the latest research in a relaxed and educational environment. We look forward to seeing you on May 10 and 11 at the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona!