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IRBio celebrates the year of glaciers

  • Glaciers: Guardians of the Earth’s Future
  • Glaciers contain around 70% of the planet’s fresh water.
Glaciers are the largest freshwater reservoirs on Earth, essential for the water supply of millions of people and for the balance of ecosystems. However, climate change is accelerating their melting at an alarming rate, endangering water security and the stability of global ecosystems. In light of this situation, UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have declared 2025 the International Year of Glacier Conservation to raise awareness of their importance and promote urgent action to mitigate their loss.

Glaciers at risk: why is it urgent to act?

In recent years, glaciers have experienced the greatest loss of mass recorded in five decades, endangering access to fresh water and accelerating sea level rise. According to UNESCO, more than 50% of the glaciers declared World Heritage could melt before 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not drastically reduced.
For this reason, from March 17 to 21, in the lobby of the Faculty of Biology (UB) we screened Pepe Molina Cruz's short documentaries about the disappearance of glaciers and their impact.