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The Biodiversity Research Institute of the University of Barcelona is a partner of the MedPAN network

This July, the IRBio has been accepted as a partner in the network of managers of marine protected areas in the Mediterranean by the Board of Directors of MedPAN. MedPAN is a non-profit association created in 2008 by managers of marine protected areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean. This network is dedicated to providing technical and strategic support to MPA managers through programs to exchange expertise, develop capacities and improve knowledge about marine ecosystems. 

Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean 

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are a key component of marine conservation and fisheries management, serving as important ecosystems for the conservation of many marine species and contributing to the economic and social well-being of the areas involved. This is particularly relevant along the Mediterranean Sea. 

In addition to their function in the conservation of biodiversity, MPAs have proven to be effective in restoring species and habitats in decline and are recognized for their role in strengthening the resilience of ecosystems in the face of human pressures and climate change. MPAs contribute to the sustainable development of local socio-economic activities such as artisanal fishing and eco-tourism. 

The Mediterranean: a hotspot for marine biodiversity 

The Mediterranean is one of the most biodiverse seas in the world. Its habitats, species and associations of flora and fauna are of special ecological importance. Despite its wealth, the Mediterranean Sea is subject to strong anthropogenic pressures, especially in the coastal strip, where urbanization, overfishing, maritime transport and climate change pose serious threats to marine ecosystems. 

The role of MedPAN 

MedPAN works to lead a network of MPA managers that contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other international conservation policies. The association offers direct technical support, promotes the exchange of experiences between managers and promotes awareness and communication for the implementation of effective policies in the management of MPAs. 

The contribution of IRBio to the Medpan network 

The IRBio includes different research groups that work in the marine environment (cetaceans, turtles, seabirds, invertebrates, algae, etc. and study everything from genes to the ecosystem). 

With the main objective of contributing to the management of Mediterranean MPAs, IRBio has been using a number of highly relevant scientific methodologies (e.g. seabird monitoring, satellite remote sensing data on the oceanographic characteristics of the sea surface, habitat modeling). and stable isotope analyses) to monitor fisheries and their effects on marine bycatch, turtles and marine mammals in real time and at a fine spatial scale. In addition, our researchers coordinate the biological monitoring of marine protected areas in Catalonia, and have dedicated themselves to the long-term monitoring of the main marine habitats, such as coralligens, macroalgae communities and seagrasses, among others . 

IRBio's marine researchers are currently contributing to the dynamic management of MPAs and fisheries. Being part of the MedPAN network helps us achieve our goals of determining MPA interactions in the Mediterranean. 

By joining MedPAN, we reaffirm our commitment to the conservation of the Mediterranean Sea and work to ensure a sustainable future for our ecosystems and local communities.