Inffoday on Research path and on Marie Sklodowska Curie European Scholarships Actions

Information session on Marie Sklodowska Curie European Scholarships Actions, other types of postdoctoral fellowships, doctoral studies and professional outings, together with the Office of International Research Projects of the UB.
This time, we hope that some people who are MSCA researchers may come to explain their experience in the preparation of the proposal.
A space of time will be allowed for all those or those who already have a thoughtful idea and a little worked to share the proposal with the personnel of the OPIR and possible mentors.
Day: July 1, 2019
Time: 12h-14h
Place: A15 (former classroom 33) AULARI, Faculty of Biology.
Attach pdf
This time, we hope that some people who are MSCA researchers may come to explain their experience in the preparation of the proposal.
A space of time will be allowed for all those or those who already have a thoughtful idea and a little worked to share the proposal with the personnel of the OPIR and possible mentors.
Day: July 1, 2019
Time: 12h-14h
Place: A15 (former classroom 33) AULARI, Faculty of Biology.
Attach pdf