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Sánchez-Fortún Burriel, Moisès

Sanjuan-Muñoz, Adolfo

Sanjuan-Muñoz, Adolfo

Ecologia evolutiva, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat
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El comportamiento es uno de los mecanismos que permite a los organismos adaptarse a cambios ambientales o a nuevos ambientes. Esta situación puede generar nuevas presiones selectivas hacia las que pueden evolucionar los organismos. Esta interacción ecología, comportamiento y selección conforma la línea directriz del grupo. La metodología de estudio procede de diferentes disciplinas como son el comportamiento, la ecología, la morfología, la filogenia y la genética. Algunos de los estudios tienen una gran incidencia en problemas actuales de conservación de la biodiversidad, como son los provocados por las especies invasoras, por la fragmentación del hábitat, por los ambientes urbanos, o por la actividad ecoturística y cinegética.
Sanmarti Boixeda, Neus

Sanmarti Boixeda, Neus

Secció Ecologia
Tel.: 934021506
Sans Serra, F. Xavier

Sans Serra, F. Xavier

2021 SGR 00311Ecologia dels Sistemes Agrícoles _ Agroecology
Tel.: 934039867
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Agroecology, plant biodiversity, organic farming plant invasions. Agricultural intensification negatively affects the conservation of natural resources and maintain functions ecosistèmiques (eg soil fertility, pollination and crop protection) of agricultural systems. For this reason, it is essential to develop sustainable management methods that reduce environmental stress associated with agricultural activities and promote the proper functioning of agricultural systems. The team working on the analysis of the functioning of agricultural systems and the design of sustainable management models in order to provide scientific and technical knowledge that allows farmers to better manage and evaluate these improvements by using of sustainability indicators easy to understand and use.
Santer, Maxime

Santer, Maxime

Geologia Sedimentària
Tel.: 934020177
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Mi campo de investigación es la paleoentomología. Trabajo en artrópodos hematófagos fósiles, especialmente de los ámbares del Cretácico. También me gusta realizar reconstrucciones cgi de los artrópodos extinguidos que estudio.

Santos Santiró, Xavier

Sardá Avila, Júlia

Sardá Avila, Júlia

2021 SGR 01073 Biología de la conservación en ecosistemas marinos (MEDRECOVER) UB-UdG-CSIC
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Mi investigación se centra en el estudio del estado de conservación de la gorgonia blanca, Eunicella singularis, la única gorgonia mixótrofa del Mediterráneo. El objetivo principal es entender cómo responde la especie al cambio global y evaluar qué ventajas le confiere la simbiosis con algas fotoautótrofas en comparación con otras especies mediante técnicas de ecología, estudio de poblaciones, ecofisiología, reproducción y genética.
Serra Cobo, Jordi

Serra Cobo, Jordi

EvoDevo-CAT 2021 SGR 00372

Línea de investigación: ecoepidemiología.
Tel.: 646955889
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He work in eco-epidemiological research that allow knowing which are the reservoirs, the vector species and the key factors driving the spread of viruses. These factors are very important in order to find preventive measures that reduce the risk of transmission to the human population, livestock and pets. The emergence of a viral epidemic depends on the dynamics of the virus, which in turn will be influenced by reservoir dynamic and external environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall, degree of habitat conservation, the situation of stress affecting the reservoir species
Soler Vilaplana, Patricia M.

Soler Vilaplana, Patricia M.

Mi investigación se centra en estudios biológicos y de comportamiento sobre peces continentales.
Mi investigación se centra en estudios biológicos y de comportamiento sobre peces continentales.
Soria Extremera, Maria

Soria Extremera, Maria

 Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management(F.E.H.M)
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The conservation and management of temporary rivers (that is, those in which surface flow ceases at some point in time and in space) is very necessary, especially in the context of global change. This, in addition to the impacts of anthropic origin, is increasing the incidence of these rivers in many regions, and especially in temperate and arid climates. That is why I am currently working in the Mediterranean climate region of the Iberian Peninsula studying the hydrology and ecology of temporary rivers.
Soriano Tomàs, Ignasi

Soriano Tomàs, Ignasi

2017SGR1116 Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Tel.: 934021473
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Floristic, taxonomy, corology and conservation of vascular plants, especially in the field of the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean region. Taxonomic-nomenclatural studies and historical herbaris documentation.
Sostoa Fernández, Adolfo de

Sostoa Fernández, Adolfo de

2017SGR1755 Ecologia evolutiva, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat
Tel.: 934021449
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Conservation of biodiversity - Ecology of communities - Limnology / Biology of continental water organisms Taxonomy and distribution of fish fauna. Biology of fish: age, growth and reproductive biology of freshwater fish. Fish Ecology: communities, trophic ecology, production, selection and microhabitat use, migration and activity, intra-and interspecific relationships, invasive species.bManagement and conservation of inland aquatic fauna: diagnosis and environmental assessment, biotic indicators, fish management, environmental flows, environmental restoration, management of biological invasions, sustainable fisheries management.
Tenaguillo Arriola, Ignacio

Tenaguillo Arriola, Ignacio

2021 SGR 00689  Sistemàtica i Evolució Zoològica (ZooSysEvo)
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Planarian Diversity and Evolution lab
Currently studying the effect of asexual reproduction in the evolutionary history of freshwater planarians and the genetic consequences of asexuality.
Torres Águila, Nuria Paz

Torres Águila, Nuria Paz

Evolució i Desenvolupament (EvoDevoCat)
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Estudio de la adaptabilidad del cordado Oikopleura diocia al cambio climático.
Torres Martínez, Jordi

Torres Martínez, Jordi

2017SGR1008 Parasitologia Humana i animal, aspectes Bàsics i Aplicats
Tel.: 934024500
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Systematics, taxonomy, fauna, ecology, biogeography, ultrastructure and ecotoxicology of helminths (trematodes, cestodes, nematodes, Acanthocephala) parasites of vertebrates. Vertebrate parasites as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution. Ultrastructure of reproduction and embryonic development in parasitic flatworms
Torres Riera, Àlex

Torres Riera, Àlex

2017SGR1755 Ecologia evolutiva, comportament i conservació de la biodiversitat
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"Specialist in terrestrial African mammals, with extensive professional experience in various countries in Africa. Professor and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Study and Conservation of Big African Mammals at the University of Barcelona. Study and Conservation of Terrestrial Mammals. Integrated Management of Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna."
Tosal Alcobé, Aixa

Tosal Alcobé, Aixa

Grupo de Investigación Geología Sedimentaria
Tel.: 934021327
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Taxonomía, sedimentología, tafonomía y paleoclimatología los medios continentales a partir de macrorestes vegetales fósiles. Principalmente he trabajado en el tráfico Eoceno-Oligoceno.


Turon Barrera, Xavier

Urmeneta Masó, Jordi

Urmeneta Masó, Jordi

Mineralogia Aplicada, Geoquímica i Hidrogeologia – MAGH 
Tel.: 934034628
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Microbial ecophysiology of carpets, floor ecosystems, microbial diversity and lipid biomarkers. Accumulation and degradation of poly-B-hidroxialcanoates, microorganisms-insect symbiosis, spirochetes in natural environments, magnetotactic bacteria.
Vallès Xirau, Joan

Vallès Xirau, Joan

2017SGR1116 Grup de recerca en biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB)
Tel.: 934024490
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Biosystematics and evolution of plants (molecular palynology, cytogenetics and phylogeny, phylogeography, population genetics). Ethnobotany of the Països Catalans (etnoflora, quantitative ethnobotany, study of agroecosystems). History of catalan botany XIXth and XXth centuries. Botanical terminology.

Vazquez Franco, Ma. Isabel

Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals
Tel.: 934021439
Velasquez, Adriana

Velasquez, Adriana

2017SGR461 Grup de Recerca dels grans vertebrats marins
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Tracking historical changes in the trophic ecology of green turtles Chelonia mydas in the Hawaiian islands
Vicens Fandos, Josep

Vicens Fandos, Josep

Conservador de la Sección de Botánica de la Facultad de Farmacia y Ciencias de la Alimentación y del Centro de Documentación de Biodiversidad Vegetal
Tel.: +34 93 402 44 90 / +34 93 403 70 19
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Vicente Rodriguez, Alba

Vicente Rodriguez, Alba

2017SGR824 Geologia Sedimentària
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She is a geologist and paleontologist from Barcelona who has been working on stratigraphy, sedimentology, and micropaleontology of non-marine basins since end-2008. Her research is mainly focused on fossil charophytes from the Cretaceous and Paleogene under a pluridisciplinary viewpoint, including taxonomy, evolution, ecology and biostratigraphy. She is a dedicated researcher who enjoys fieldwork, conservation, and divulgation of paleontology, paleobotany and geoscience in general.
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