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Approbato, A.U.; Contin, D.R.; Dias de Oliveira, E.A.; Habermann, E.; Cela, J.; Pintó-Marijuan, M.; Munné-Bosch, S.; Martinez, C.A. Adjustments in photosynthetic pigments, PS II photochemistry and photoprotection in a tropical C4 forage plant exposed to warming and elevated [CO2]
Article: vol: 194 num: Pag: 345-360 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. . (2023)
Arévalo-Ayala, D.J.; Real, J.; Durà, C.; Aymerich, J.; Hernández-Matías, A. Reduction of organic waste in a landfill lowers the visitation probability but does not the local abundance of a long-lived scavenger species
Article: vol: 33 num: Pag: e15- Bird Conservation International. . (2023)
Ayhan, N.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D.; López-Roig, M.; Vinyoles, D.; Ferreres, J.A.; Monastiri, A.; Charrel, R.; Serra-Cobo, J. High rates of antibodies against Toscana and Sicilian phleboviruses in common quail Coturnix coturnix birds
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: - Frontiers in Microbiology. . (2023)
Ayhan, Nazil; Rodríguez Teijeiro, José Domingo; López Roig, Marc; Vinyoles, Dolors; Ferreres, Josep Antoni; Monastiri, Abir; Charrel, Remi; Serra Cobo, Jordi High rates of antibodies against Toscana and Sicilian phleboviruses in common quail Coturnix coturnix birds.
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: 1091-1098 Frontiers in Microbiology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/197258. (2023)
Badia‑Boher, J. A.; Real, J.; Riera, J.L.; Bartumeus, F.; Parés, F.; Bas, J.M.; Hernández‑Matías, A. Joint estimation of survival and dispersal effectively corrects the permanent emigration bias in mark‑recapture analyses
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: 6970- Scientific Reports. . (2023)
Bas, M.; Salemme, M.; Santiago, F.; Briz i Godino, I.; Álvarez, M.; Cardona, L. Patterns of fish consumption by hunter-fisher-gatherer people from the Atlantic coast of Tierra del Fuego during the Holocene: Human-environmental interactions.
Article: vol: 152 num: Pag: 105755- Journal of Archaeological Science. . (2023)
Bas, M.; Tivoli, A.; Briz i Godino, I.; Salemme, M.; Santiago, F.; Belardi, J.B.; Borella, F.; Vales, D.G.; Crespo, E.A.; Cardona, L. Changing diets over time: knock-on effects of marine megafauna overexploitation on their competitors in the South-Western Atlantic Ocean
Article: vol: num: 49 Pag: 176-190 Paleobiology. . (2023)
Blamires, S.; Lozano-Picazo, P.; Bruno, A.L.; Arnedo, MA.; Ruiz-León, Y.; González-Nieto, D.; Rojo, F.J.; Elices, M.; Guinea, Gustavo.V.; Pérez-Rigueiro, José The Spider Silk Standardization Initiative (S3I): A powerful tool to harness biological variability and to systematize the characterization of major ampullate silk fibers spun by spiders from suburban Sydney, Australia
Article: vol: 140 num: Pag: 1-7 Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Biomedical Materials. . (2023)
Cani, A.; Cardona, L.; Valdivia, M.; González, E.M.; Drago, M. Niche partitioning among marine mammals inhabiting a large estuary as revealed by stable isotopes of C, N, S and O.
Article: vol: 46 num: Pag: 1083-1097 Estuaries and Coasts. . (2023)
Cardona, L.; Reñones, O.; Gouraguine, A.; Saporiti, F.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, A.; Moranta, J. Effects of fishing on the trophic structure of carnivorous fish assemblages from shallow rocky bottoms of the Mediterranean Sea and the temperate Atlantic Ocean
Article: vol: 80 num: Pag: 751-765 ICES. Journal of Marine Science. . (2023)
Castillo-Escrivà, A; Baltanás, Á.; Camacho, A.; Horne, DJ.; Pretus, JL.; Mesquita-Joanes, F. IMOST: a database for non-marine ostracods in the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and Macaronesia
Article: vol: 82 num: 1 Pag: 2115-2123 Journal of Limnology. . (2023)
Cerecedo-Iglesias, C.; Bartumeus, F.; Cortés-Avizanda, A.; Pretus, J.Ll.; Hernández-Matías, A.; Real, J. Resource predictability modulates spatial-use networks in an endangered scavenger species
Article: vol: 11 num: 22 Pag: 1-113 Movement Ecology. . (2023)
Coelho; M. A. G.; Pearson; G. A.; Boavida; J. R. H.; Paulo; D.; Aurelle; D.; Arnaud-Haond; S.; Gómez-Gras; D.; Bensoussan; N.; López-Sendino; P.; Cerrano; C.; Kipson; S.; Bakran-Petricioli; T.; Ferretti; E.; Linares; C.; Garrabou; J.; Serrão; E. A.; Ledoux; J.-B. Not out of the Mediterranean: Atlantic populations of the gorgonian Paramuricea clavata are a separate sister species under further lineage diversification
Article: vol: num: 13 Pag: e9740.- Ecology and Evolution. . (2023)
Colmenero, Ariadna; Serra, Bruna; Lagares, Clàudia; Rojo Francàs, Eva; Pérez Gil, José L.; Mestres, Francesc; Abelló, Pere (Abelló i Vila) Genetic variability and connectivity in the Western Mediterranean populations of the bathyal crab Geryon longipes
Article: vol: 15 num: 4 Pag: 534- Diversity. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/196929. (2023)
Cunha, T.J.; Fernández-Simón, J.; Petrula, M.; Giribet, G.; Moles, J. Photographic checklist, DNA barcoding, and new species of sea slugs and snails from the Faafu Atoll, Maldives (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia and Vetigastropoda)
Article: vol: 15 num: Pag: - Diversity. . (2023)
De Castro-Fernández P.; Ballesté E.; Angulo-Preckler C.; Biggs J.; Avila C.; García-Aljaro C. How does heat stress affect sponge microbiomes? Structure and resilience of microbial communities of marine sponges from different habitats.
Article: vol: 9 num: 1072696 Pag: - Frontiers In Marine Science. . (2023)
Demirci, E.; Sanjuan, J.; Nazik, A.; Meriç, E.; Yümün, Z.Ü. Subrecent charophyte flora from Çemealti (Izmir Gulf, Western Turkey): Palaeoecological implications
Article: vol: 186 num: Pag: - Aquatic Botany. . (2023)
Drago, M.; Llorach, C.; Ormazabal Santa Cruz, U.; Zenteno-Devaud, L.; Rebolledo, L.; Rita, D.; Gazo, M.; Cardona, L. Seasonal and interannual variability in the diet of young and sub-adult male Antarctic fur seals as revealed by stable C and N isotope ratios
Article: vol: 80 num: Pag: 69-84 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. . (2023)
Elvan Demirci; Josep Sanjuan; Cemal Tunoglu Early Pleistocene charophyte flora from Dursunlu (Ilgın Basin, Turkey): palaeoecological implications
Article: vol: 311 num: 104848 Pag: - Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. . (2023)
Guido Gnone, Michela Bellingeri, Sabina Airoldi ,Joan Gonzalvo ,Léa David ,Nathalie Di-Méglio ,Ana M. Cañadas ,Aylin Akkaya ,Tim Awbery ,Barbara Mussi ,Ilaria Campana ,Marta Azzolin , Ayhan Dede ,Arda M. Tonay ,Clara Monaco ,Giuliana Pellegrino ,Paola Tepsich ,Aurelie Moulins ,Antonella Arcangeli ,Hélène Labach ,Aviad P. Scheinin ,Yaly Mevorach ,Roberto Carlucci ,Francesca C. Santacesaria ,Carla A. Chicote ,Manel Gazo ,Beatriz Tintore ,Jessica Alessi ,Alberta Mandich ,Luca Bittau ,Bruno Diaz Lopez ,Caroline Azzinari ,Gabriella La Manna ,Daniela Silvia Pace ,Donatella Decandia ,Alberto Castelli ,Silvio Nuti ,Marie-Catherine Santoni ,Alessandro Verga ,Nicolas Tomasi ,Cristina Giacoma ,Matteo Costantino ,Marta Falabrino and Arianna Azzellino Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: Encounter Rate, Dominant Species, and Diversity Hotspots
Article: vol: 15 num: 321 Pag: - Diversity. . (2023)
Horváth, V.; Guirao‐Rico, S.; Salces‐Ortiz, J.; Rech, G.E.; Green, L.; Aprea, E.; Rodeghiero, M.; Anfora, G.; González, J. Gene expression differences consistent with water loss reduction underlie desiccation tolerance of natural Drosophila populations
Article: vol: 21 num: 1 Pag: 35- BMC Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/197752. (2023)
J Gomez-Garrido; Cruz F; Alioto TS; Feiner N; Uller T; Gut M; Sanchez Escudero I; Tavecchia G; Rotger A; Otalora Acevedo KE; Baldo L*. Chromosome-level genome assembly of Lilford's wall lizard, Podarcis lilfordi (Günther, 1874) from the Balearic Islands (Spain).
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Dna Research. . (2023)
Jordi Pérez-Cano; Hélder J.R. Pereira; Marcia Mendes; Zélia Pereira; Pedro Callapez; Paulo Fernades Upper Barremian−lower Aptian charophyte biostratigraphy from Arrifes section (Algarve Basin, Southern Portugal): correlation with dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Cretaceous Research. . (2023)
Maria Magdalena Alcover; Vicenç Rocamora; Alexis Ribas; Roser Fisa; Cristina Riera Underestimation of Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania infantum in an Endemic Area of the Mediterranean Basin (Balearic Islands)
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Microorganisms. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/193679. (2023)
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