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Call for postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the field of evolutionary ecology and phenotypic evolution

The PhenEvol research group (https://sites.google.com/view/phenevol/) is looking for a motivated young researcher to develop their research project in the field of evolutionary ecology and phenotypic evolution. The interested applicant would be integrated in the team of PhenEvol based at IRBio in the University of Barcelona, with the possibility of also developing collaborative activities with other members of our international team. Our group mainly uses reptiles as model organisms, and focuses on combining different tools to explore and explain the temporal and spatial distribution of biodiversity in Mediterranean ecosystems. We also develop innovative methods and approaches for addressing questions related to the drivers of such diversity. With several projects in mind, we are seeking an independent researcher that would like to integrate their scientific activities with those of our group. With a strong focus on multidisciplinary evolutionary research, we are open to discussing different projects with interested applicants.

See the webpage of MEDBIODIV, a previous project carried out by our team to get an idea of the general focus of our intended research: https://cibio.up.pt/en/projects/medbiodiv-linking-phenotypes-to-diversification-dynamics-to-decipher-the-temporal-and-spatial-scaling-of-biodiversity-evolution-in-the-mediterranean-basin/

Support for applicants

The International Research Projects Offfice at the University of Barcelona offers support to applicants (eligibility check, info sessions, feedback on the draft proposal) and has recently launched a Mentoring programme specifically designed for MSCA applicants (subject to availability)

The project manager from IRBio offers support the applicant during the writing proposal with the supervisor and the International Research Project Office.



Experience in evolutionary biology, sustained by published articles, and the capacity to develop a competitive project proposal.
Specific Requirements

The applicant is required to present a starting idea, to be further developed and refined together with the advisor (AK), touching on (at least some of) the areas of evolutionary ecology, macroevolution, biodiversity research and conservation biology
Selection process

CV and motivation letter

The applicant is required to present a starting idea, to be further developed and refined together with the advisor (AK), touching on (at least some of) the areas of evolutionary ecology, macroevolution, biodiversity research and conservation biology.

Please contact the responsible researcher (AK) to discuss the possibility of applying and the details of the pretended project.

CONTACT: Antigoni Kaliontzopoulou <akaliontzopoulou@ub.edu>