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Guardiola, M.; Petit, A.; Molero, J.; Sáez, Ll. Aportacions al coneixement de la flora vascular del massís de Boumort i serres veïnes (Prepirineus centrals catalans)
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Guerao, G.; Rotllant, G.; Gisbert, E.; Uyà, M.; Cardona, L. Consistent habitat segregation between sexes in the spider crabs Maja brachydactyla and Maja squinado (Brachyura), as revealed by stable isotopes
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Juan Moles; Heike Wägele; Adele Cutignano; Angelo Fontana; Conxita Avila Distribution of granuloside in the Antarctic nudibranch Charcotia granulosa (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Charcotiidae)
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