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Montero‐Serra, I.; Garrabou, J.; Doak, D.F.; Ledoux, J.B; Linares, C. Marine protected areas enhance structural complexity but do not buffer the consequences of ocean warming for an overexploited precious coral
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Journal of Applied Ecology. . (2018)
Montero-Serra, I.; Linares, C.; Doak, D.; Ledoux, J.B.; Garrabou, J. Strong linkages between depth, longevity and demographic stability across marine sessile species
Article: vol: 285 num: Pag: - Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. . (2018)
Montesinos-Navarro, A.; Estrada, A.; Font, X.; Matias, M.G.; Meireles, C.; Mendoza, M.; Honrado, J.P.; Prasad, H.D.; Vicente, J.R.; Early, R. Community structure informs species geographic distributions
Article: vol: 13 num: 5 Pag: 1-16 PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/123192. (2018)
Monzon-Argueello, Catalina; Cardona, Luis; Calabuig, Pascual; Camacho, Maria; Crespo-Picazo, Jose Luis; Garcia-Parraga, Daniel; Mayans, Santiago; Luzardo, Octavio P.; Oros, Jorge; Varo-Cruz, Nuria Supplemental feeding and other anthropogenic threats to green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Canary Islands
Article: vol: 621 num: Pag: 1000-1011 Science of the Total Environment. . (2018)
Moreno, M.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Abelló, M.T. Genetic and demographic analysis of European Endangered Species Programme (EEP) and Species Survival Plan (SSP) Western lowland gorilla Gorilla gorilla gorilla populations
Article: vol: 52 num: Pag: 1-18 International Zoo Yearbook. . (2018)
Moreno-Ostos, E.; Obrador, B.; Marcé, R. Primer C-Hydrochange workshop sobre métodos y técnicas de medida de flujos de CO2 y CH4 en lagos y embalses
Article: vol: 27 num: 2 Pag: 143-143- Ecosistemas. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/133203. (2018)
Morera, V.; Ramos, R.; Pérez-Méndez, N.; Cerdà-Cuéllar, M.; González-Solís, J. Multi-isotopic assessments of spatio-temporal variability of diet: the case of two sympatric gulls in the Western Mediterranean.
Article: vol: 606 num: Pag: 201-214 Marine Ecology Progress Series. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/127190. (2018)
Mujal, E.; Belaústegui, Z.; Fortuny, J.; Bolet, A.; Oms, O.; López, J.A. Ichnological evidence of a horseshoe crab hot-spot in the Early Triassic Buntsandstein continental deposits from the Catalan Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula)
Article: vol: 44 num: Pag: 139-153 Journal of Iberian Geology. . (2018)
Munne-Bosch, Sergi Limits to Tree Growth and Longevity
Article: vol: 23 num: 11 Pag: 985-993 Trends in Plant Science. . (2018)
Munne-Bosch, Sergi; Simancas, Barbara; Mueller, Maren Ethylene signaling cross-talk with other hormones in Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to contrasting phosphate availability: Differential effects in roots, leaves and fruits
Article: vol: 226 num: Pag: 114-122 Journal of Plant Physiology. . (2018)
Munoz, Paula; Briones, Miriam; Munne-Bosch, Sergi Photoinhibition and photoprotection during flower opening in lilies
Article: vol: 272 num: Pag: 220-229 Plant Science. . (2018)
Munoz, Paula; Munne-Bosch, Sergi Photo-Oxidative Stress during Leaf, Flower and Fruit Development
Article: vol: 176 num: 2 Pag: 1004-1014 Plant Physiology. . (2018)
Muntaner, J.; Ferrer, X.; Martínez-Vilalta, A.; Estrada, J.; Pedrocchi, V.; Brotons, L.; Herrando, S. El nou atles en context històric
Article: vol: 16 num: Pag: 2-2 L'Abellerol. . (2018)
Muñoz I.; Abril M.; Casas-Ruiz J.P.; Casellas M.; Gómez-Gener Ll.; Marcé R.; Menéndez M.; Obrador B.; Sabater, S.; von Schiller D.; Acuña V. Does the severity of non-flow period influence ecosystem structure and function of temporary streams? A mesocosm study
Article: vol: 63 num: Pag: 613-625 Freshwater Biology. . (2018)
Múrria, C.; Dolédec, S.; Papadopoulou, A.; Vogler, A.P.; Bonada, N. Ecological constraints from incumbent clades drive trait evolution across the tree-of-life of freshwater macroinvertebrates
Article: vol: 41 num: 7 Pag: 1049-1063 Ecography. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/131297. (2018)
Navarro-Rosinés, P. ; Llimona, X. Paranectria oropensis (hongos liquenícolas, Hypocreales) en Cataluña
Article: vol: 39 num: Pag: 129-139 Revista Catalana de Micologia. . (2018)
Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Etayo, J. Sobre la presencia de Pseudopyrenidium tartaricola (Eurotiomycetes, hongos liquenícolas) en los Pirineos
Article: vol: 39 num: Pag: 69-76 Revista Catalana de Micologia. . (2018)
Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Roux, C.; Hafellner, J. Sphaerellothecium pumilum comb. nov. (hongos liquenícolas, Dothideomycetes), un nombre prioritario sobre S. aipolium
Article: vol: 39 num: Pag: 117-127 Revista Catalana de Micologia. . (2018)
Nespolo, R.F.; González-Lagos, C.; Solano-Iguaran, J.; Elfwing, M.; Garitano-Zavala, A.; Mañosa, S.; Alonso, J.C.; Altimiras, J. Aerobic power and flight capacity in birds: a phylogenetic test of heart-size hypothesis
Article: vol: 221 num: Pag: jeb175208- Journal of Experimental Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/133723. (2018)
Ninot, J.M.; Illa, E.; Carrillo, E. The Alpine vegetation of the Pyrenees, a contrasting assemblage of plant communities, life strategies, and biogeographic sources
Article: vol: num: 4 Pag: 93-102 Botanique. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/154181. (2018)
Noriega, J.A.; Hortal, J.; Azcárate, F.M.; Berg, M.P.; Bonada, N.; Briones, M.J.I.; Del Toro, I.; Goulson, D.; Ibanez, S.; Landis, D.A.; Moretti, M.; Potts, S.G.; Slade, E.M.; Stout, J.C.; Ulyshen, M.D.; Wackers, F.L.; Woodcock, B.A.; Santos, A.M.C. Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects
Article: vol: 26 num: Pag: 8-23 Basic And Applied Ecology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/145219. (2018)
Nualart, N.; Ibáñez, N.; Susanna, A.; Soriano, I. Typification of names of plants described by Carlos Pau from Morocco (1908-1922)
Article: vol: 67 num: 3 Pag: 614-620 Taxon. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/133198. (2018)
Nunez-Pons, Laura; Work, Thierry M.; Angulo-Preckler, Carlos; Moles, Juan; Avila, Conxita Exploring the pathology of an epidermal disease affecting a circum-Antarctic sea star
Article: vol: 8 num: 1 Pag: 11353- Scientific Reports. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/176727. (2018)
Núñez Pons, L.; Avila, C.; Romano, G.; Verde, C.; Giordano, D. UV-protective compounds in marine organisms from the Southern Ocean
Article: vol: 16 num: 9 Pag: 336- Marine Drugs. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/159038. (2018)
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