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Garcia-Garin, O.; Vighi, M.; Aguilar, A.; Tsangaris, C.; Digka, N.; Kaberi, E.; Borrell, A. Boops boops as a bioindicator of microplastic pollution along the Spanish Catalan coast
Article: vol: 149 num: Pag: 110648- Marine Pollution Bulletin. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/163817. (2019)
García, María B.; Domingo, Darío; Pizarro, Manuel; Font, Xavier; Gómez, Daniel; Ehrlénd, Johan Rocky habitats as microclimatic refuges for biodiversity. A close-up thermal approach
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Environmental and Experimental Botany. . (2019)
Garrabou, J.; Gómez-Gras, D.; Ledoux, J.B.; Linares, C.; Bensoussan, N.; López-Sendino, P.; Bazairi, H.; Espinosa, F.; Ramdani, M.; Grimes, S.; Benabdi, M.; Souissi, J.B.; Soufi, E.; Khamassi, F.; Ghanem, R.; Ocaña, O.; Ramos-Esplà, A.; Izquierdo, A.; Anton, I.; Rubio-Portillo, E.; Barbera, C.; Cebrian, E.; Marbà, N.; Hendriks, I.E.; Duarte, C.M.; Deudero, S.; Díaz, D.; Vázquez-Luis, M.; Alvarez, E.; Hereu, B.; Kersting, D.K.; Gori, A.; Viladrich, N.; Sartoretto, S.; Pairaud, I.; Ruitton, S.; Pergent, G.; Pergent-Martini, C.; Rouanet, E.; Teixidó, N.; Gattuso, J.P.; Fraschetti, S.; Rivetti, I.; Azzurro, E.; Cerrano, C.; Ponti, M.; Turicchia, E.; Bavestrello, G.; Cattaneo-Vietti, R.; Bo, M.; Bertolino, M.; Montefalcone, M.; Chimienti, G.; Grech, D.; Rilov, G.; Tuney Kizilkaya, I.; Kizilkaya, Z.; Eda Topçu, N.; Gerovasileiou, V.; Sini, M.; Bakran-Petricioli, T.; Kipson, S.; Harmelin, J.G. Collaborative database to track mass mortality events in the Mediterranean Sea
Article: vol: 6 num: Pag: 707- Frontiers In Marine Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/160139. (2019)
Gaubert, P.; Justy, F.; Mo, G.; Aguilar, A.; Danyer, E.; Borrell, A.; Dendrinos, P.; Öztürk, B.; Improta, R.; Tonay, A. M.; Karamanlidis, A. Insights from 180 years of mitochondrial variability in the endangered Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
Article: vol: 35 num: 4 Pag: 1489-1511 Marine Mammal Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/154385. (2019)
Gavilan, B.; Sprecher, S. G.; Hartenstein, V.; Martinez, P. The digestive system of xenacoelomorphs
Article: vol: 377 num: 3 Pag: 369-382 Cell and Tissue Research. . (2019)
Gelabert, P.; Sandoval-Velasco, M.; Serres, A.; de Manuel, M.; Renom, P.; Margaryan, A.; Stiller, J.; de-Dios, T.; Fang, Q.; Feng, S.; Mañosa, S.; Pacheco, G.; Ferrando-Bernal, M.; Shi, G.; Hao, F.; Chen, X.; Petersen, B.; Olsen, R.; Navarro, A.; Deng, Y.; Dalen, L.; Marquès-Bonet, T.; Zhang, G.; Antunes, A.; Gilbert, M.T.P.; Lalueza-Fox, C. Evolutionary history, genomic adaptation to toxic diet, and extinction of the carolina Parakeet
Article: vol: 30 num: 1 Pag: 108-114 Current Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/174440. (2019)
Gerovasileiou, Vasilis; Smith, Christopher J.; Sevastou, Katerina; Papadopoulou, Nadia; Dailianis, Thanos; Bekkby, Trine; Fiorentino, Dario; McOwen, Chris J.; Amaro, Teresa; Bengil, Elizabeth Grace Tunka; Bilan, Meri; Bostrom, Christoffer; Carreiro-Silva, Marina; Cebrian, Emma; Cerrano, Carlo; Danovaro, Roberto; Fraschetti, Simonetta; Gagnon, Karine; Gambi, Cristina; Grehan, Anthony; Hereu, Bernat; Kipson, Silvija; Kotta, Jonne; Linares, Cristina; Morato, Telmo; Ojaveer, Henn; Orav-Kotta, Helen; Sara, Antonio; Scrimgeour, Rachael Habitat mapping in the European Seas - is it fit for purpose in the marine restoration agenda?
Article: vol: 106 num: Pag: - Marine Policy. . (2019)
Gittins, O.; Grau-Roma, L.L.; Valle, R.; Abad, F.X.; Nofrarías, M.; Ryan, P.G.; González-Solís, J., Majó, N. Serological and molecular surveys of influenza A viruses in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic wild birds
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Antarctic Science. . (2019)
Gomez-Gras, Daniel; Linares, Cristina; de Caralt, Sonia; Cebrian, Emma; Frleta-Valic, Masa; Montero-Serra, Ignasi; Pages-Escola, Marta; Lopez-Sendino, Paula; Garrabou, Joaquim Response diversity in Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages facing climate change: Insights from a multispecific thermotolerance experiment
Article: vol: 9 num: 7 Pag: 4168-4180 Ecology and Evolution. . (2019)
González-Moreno, P.; Lazzaro, L.; Vilà, M.; Preda, C.; Adriaens, T.; Bacher, S.; Brundu, G.; Copp, G.H.; Essl, F.; García-Berthou, E.; Katsanevakis, S.; Moen, T.L.; Lucy, F.E.; Nentwig, W.; Roy, H.E.; Srėbalienė, G.; Talgø, V.; Vanderhoeven, S.; Andjelković, A.; Arbačiauskas, K.; Auger-Rozenberg, M.A.; Bae, M.J.; Bariche, M.; Boets, P.; Boieiro, M.; Borges, P.A.: Canning-Clode, J.; Cardigos, F.; Chartosia, N.; Cottier-Cook, E.J.; Crocetta, F.; D'hondt, B.; Foggi, B.; Follak, S.; Gallardo, B.; Gammelmo, Ø.; Giakoumi, S.; Giuliani, C.; Fried, G.; Jelaska, L.S.; Jeschke, J.M.; Jover, M.; Juárez-Escario, A.; Kalogirou, S.; Kočić, A.; Kytinou, E.; Laverty, C.; Lozano, V.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; Marchante, E.; Marchante, H.: Martinou, A.F.; Meyer, S.; Michin, D.; Montero-Castaño, A.; Morais, M.C.; Morales-Rodriguez, C.; Muhthassim, N.; Nagy, Z.A.; Ogris, N.; Onen, H.; Pergl, J.; Puntila, R.; Rabitsch, W.; Ramburn, T.T.; Rego, C.; Reichenbach, F.; Romeralo, C.; Saul, Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species
Article: vol: num: 44 Pag: 1-25 Neobiota. . (2019)
Gouraguine, A.; Melian, C.J.; Reñones, O.; Hinz, H.; Baxter, H.; Cardona, L.; Moranta, J. Implications of using different metrics for niche analysis in ecological communities.
Article: vol: 630 num: Pag: 1-12 Marine Ecology Progress Series. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/151378. (2019)
Grane-Feliu, Xavier; Bennett, Scott; Hereu, Bernat; Aspillaga, Eneko; Santana-Garcon, Julia Comparison of diver operated stereo-video and visual census to assess targeted fish species in Mediterranean marine protected areas
Article: vol: 520 num: Pag: - Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. . (2019)
Gras, A.; Serrasolses, G.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. Traditional knowledge in semi-rural close to industrial areas: Ethnobotanical studies in western Gironès (Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula).
Article: vol: 15 num: 19 Pag: - Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/174236. (2019)
Grau, O.; Saravesi, K.; Ninot, J.M.; Geml, J.; Markkola, A.; Ahonen, S.H.K.; Peñuelas, J. Encroachment of shrubs into subalpine grasslands in the Pyrenees modifies the structure of soil fungal communities and soil properties
Article: vol: 95 num: 4 Pag: fiz028- FEMS Microbiology Ecology. . (2019)
Guerrero, R.; Berlanga, M. Potències de 10
Article: vol: num: 100 Pag: 100-103 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. . (2019)
Harper, L. R.;Buxton, A. S.; Rees, H. C.; Bruce, K.; Brys, R.; Halfmaerten, D.; Read, D.S.; Watson, H.V.; Carl D. Sayer, C.D.; Jones, E.P.; Priestley, V.; Mächler, E.; Múrria, C.; Garcés-Pastor, S.; Medupin, C.; Burgess, K.; Benson, G.; Boonham, N.; Griffiths, R.A.; Handley L.L.; Hänfling, B. Prospects and challenges of environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring in freshwater ponds
Article: vol: 826 num: Pag: 25-41 Hydrobiologia. . (2019)
Harrath, A.H.; Sluys, R.; Mansour, L.; Lekeufack, G.; Aldahmash, W.; Alwasel, S.; Solà, E.; Riutort, M. Molecular and morphological identification of two new African species of Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae) from Cameroon
Article: vol: 53 num: 5-6 Pag: 253-271 Journal of Natural History. . (2019)
Hartenstein, V.; Martinez, P. Phagocytosis in cellular defense and nutrition: a food-centered approach to the evolution of macrophages
Article: vol: 377 num: 3 Pag: 527-547 Cell and Tissue Research. . (2019)
Hill, J.; Neethiraj, R.; Rastas, P.; Clark, N.; Morehouse, N.; Celorio-Mancera, M.; Carnicer, J.; Dircksen, H.; Meslin, C.; Sikkink, K.; Vives-Ingla, M.; Vogel, H.; Wiklund, C.; Boggs, C.L.; Nylin, S.; Wheat, C. Unprecedented reorganization of holocentric chromosomes provides insights into the enigma of Lepidopteran chromosome evolution
Article: vol: 5 num: 6 Pag: - Science Advances. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/158677. (2019)
Hovinen, J.E.H.; Tarroux, A.; Ramírez, F.; Forero, M.G.; Descamps, S. Relationships between isotopic ratios, body condition and breeding success in a High Arctic seabird community
Article: vol: 613 num: Pag: 183-195 Marine Ecology Progress Series. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/149156. (2019)
Idoia Biurrun; Sabina Burrascano; Iwona Dembicz; Riccardo Guarino; Jutta Kapfer; ... Josep M. Ninot; ... Aaron Pérez‐Haase; ... Eulàlia Pladevall‐Izard; ... Jürgen Dengler GrassPlot v. 2.00 - first update on the database of multi‐scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands
Article: vol: 44 num: Pag: 26-47 Palaearctic Grasslands. . (2019)
Jens Kattge; Gerhard Bönisch; Sandra Díaz; Sandra Lavorel; Iain Colin Prentice; Paul Leadley; Susanne Tautenhahn; Gijsbert D. A. Werner; (...); Estela Illa; (...) Christian Wirth TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access
Article: vol: 26 num: 1 Pag: 119-188 Global Change Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/174799. (2019)
Jorba, M.; Ninot, J.M.; Bracho, C.A. Interacciones en espacios mineros restaurados: vegetación y avifauna
Article: vol: 28 num: 2 Pag: 78-81 Ecosistemas. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/147681. (2019)
Kacem, H.; Diagne, P.M.; Miquel, J. Ultrastructural organisation of the spermatozoon of Allopodocotyle tunisiensis Derbel and Neifar, 2009 (Digenea, Opecoelidae), an intestinal parasite of Solea aegyptiaca Chabanaud, 1927 (Teleostei, Soleidae)
Article: vol: 57 num: Pag: 1-7 Tissue & Cell. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/161980. (2019)
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