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Tlili, A.; Gouja, H.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T.; Buhagiar, J.; Neffati, M. Chromosome number and genome size in Atriplex mollis from southern Tunisia and Atriplex lanfrancoi from Malta (Amaranthaceae).
Article: vol: 306 num: 11 Pag: - Plant Systematics and Evolution. . (2020)
Torrado, H.; Carreras, C.; Raventos, N.; Macpherson, E.; Pascual, M. Individual-based population genomics reveal different drivers of adaptation in sympatric fish
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Xavier Delclòs; Enrique Peñalver; Voajanahary Ranaivosoa; Mónica M. Solórzano-Kraemer Unravelling the mystery of 'Madagascar copal': Age, origin and preservation of a Recent resin
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