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Rosich, J.; Peris, A.; Mampel, A.; Hernández-Matías, A.; Miño, A.; Real, J. Northern Goshawk breeding sites indicate the presence of mature forest in Mediterranean pinewoods
Article: vol: 479 num: Pag: 118602- Forest Ecology and Management. . (2021)
Rossi, M.E.; Avila, C.; Moles, J. Orange is the new white: taxonomic revision of Tritonia species (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia) from the Weddell Sea and Bouvet Island
Article: vol: 44 num: Pag: 559-573 Polar Biology. . (2021)
Rossi, P.; Ponti, M., Righi, S.; Castagnetti, C.; Simonini, R.; Mancini, F.; Agrafiotis, P.; Bassani, L.; Bruno, F; Cerrano, C.; Cignoni, P.; Corsini, M; Drap, P.; Dubbini, M.; Garrabou ,J.; Gori, A.; Gracias, N.; Ledoux, J.B.; Linares, C.; Pulido Mantas, T.; Menna, F.; Nocerino, E.; Palma, M.; Pavoni, G.; Ridolfi, A.; Rossi ,S.; Skarlatos, D.; Treibitz, T.; Turicchia, E.; Yuval, M.; Capra, A. Needs and gaps in optical underwater technologies and methods for the investigation of marine animal forest 3D-structural complexity
Article: vol: 8 num: Pag: 591292- Frontiers In Marine Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/176487. (2021)
Roux, C.; Bertrand, M.; Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Poumarat, S.; Uriac, P.; Diederich, P. Nouveautés publiées dans les appendices taxonomiques du Catalogue des lichens de France (années 2014-2020) et validation d'une nouvelle combinaison.
Article: vol: 72 num: Pag: 73-74 Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence. . (2021)
Saito, V.S.; Stoppa, N.E.; Shimabukuro, E.M.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Bonada, N.; Siqueira, T. Stochastic colonization dynamics can be a major driver of temporal beta diversity in Atlantic Forest stream communities.
Article: vol: 66 num: Pag: 1560-1570 Freshwater Biology. . (2021)
Sala, Berta; Balasch, Aleix; Eljarrat, Ethel; Cardona, Luis First study on the presence of plastic additives in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the Mediterranean Sea
Article: vol: 283 num: Pag: - Environmental Pollution. . (2021)
Sales N; Wangensteen OS; Carvalho D; Deiner K; Praebel K; Coscia I; McDevitt A; Mariani S Space-time dynamics in monitoring neotropical fish communities using eDNA metabarcoding
Article: vol: 754 num: Pag: 142096- Science of the Total Environment. https://munin.uit.no/handle/10037/19525. (2021)
Salinas‐Ivanenko, S.; Múrria, C. Macroecological trend of increasing values of intraspecific genetic diversity and population structure from temperate to tropical streams
Article: vol: 30 num: 8 Pag: 1685-1697 Global Ecology and Biogeography. . (2021)
Sanjuan, J.; Ghadban, S.E.; Trabelsi, K. Microfossils (ostracods and charophytes) from the non-marine Lower Cretaceous of Lebanon: Palaeoecology, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography
Article: vol: 124 num: Pag: - Cretaceous Research. . (2021)
Sanjuan, J.; Vicente, A.; Pérez-Cano, J.; Stoica, M.; Martín-Closas, C. Early Cretaceous charophytes from South Dobrogea (Romania). Biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography.
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Article: vol: 162 num: Pag: 111873- Marine Pollution Bulletin. . (2021)
Schröder, O.; Cavanaugh, K.K.; Schneider, J.V.; Schell, T.; Bonada, N.; Seifert, L.; Pauls, S. Genetic data suport local persistence in multiple glacial refugia in the montane net-winged midge Liponeura cinerascens cinerascens (Diptera, Blephariceridae).
Article: vol: 66 num: Pag: 859-868 Freshwater Biology. . (2021)
Serra-Cobo, J. Emerging infectious diseases in a globalized world
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Article: vol: 147 num: Pag: 125928- Zoology. . (2021)
Sofia J. Araújo; Isabel Almudi; Laura Bozal-Basterra; Fernando Casares; Sergio Casas-Tintó; Augusto Escalante; Fernando García-Moreno; María Losada-Pérez; Ignacio Maeso; Luciano Marcon; Oscar Ocaña; Olatz Pampliega; Álvaro Rada-Iglesias1; Teresa Rayon; James Sharpe; James D. Sutherland; Cristina Villa del Campo; Rosa Barrio Virtual meeting, real and sound science: report of the 17 th Meeting of the Spanish Society for Developmental Biology (SEBD-2020)
Article: vol: 65 num: Pag: 457-464 International Journal of Developmental Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192203. (2021)
Soler, P.; Faria, M.; Barata, C.; García-Galea, E.; Lorente, B.; Vinyoles, D. Improving water quality does not guarantee fish health: Effects of ammonia pollution on the behaviour of wild-caught pre-exposed fish.
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Solé, M.; Lacorte, S.; Vinyoles, D. Biochemical aspects of susceptibility to stressors in two small cyprinids Squalius laietanus and Barbus meridionalis from the NW Mediterranean.
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology. . (2021)
Soria, M.; Bonada, N.; Ballester, A.; Verkaik, I.; Jordà-Capdevila, D.; Solà, C.; Munné, A.; Jiménez-Argudo, S.M.; Fortuño, P.; Gallart, F.; Vinyoles, D.; Llorens, P.; Latron, J.; Estrela, T.; Prat, N.; Cid, N. Adapting participatory processes in temporary rivers management.
Article: vol: 120 num: Pag: 145-156 Environmental Science & Policy. . (2021)
Soriano Jimenez, A. I.; Drago, M.; Vinyoles, D.; Maté, C. Play Behavior in Two Captive Bottlenose Dolphin Calves (Tursiops truncatus): Ethogram, Ontogeny, and Individual Differences.
Article: vol: 24 num: 3 Pag: 1-29 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/183727. (2021)
Soriano, I. Sobre la variabilitat de Pedicularis pyrenaica i la presència de Pedicularis mixta (Orobanchaceae) als Pirineus orientals
Article: vol: num: 85 Pag: 147-150 Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/180868. (2021)
Stocchino, G.A.; Dols-Serrate, D.; Ronald Sluys, S.; Riutort, M.; Onnis, C.; Manconi, R. Amphibioplanidae: a new branch and Family on the phylogenetic tree of the triclad flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida), represented by a species from Sardinian caves with a remarkable lifestyle
Article: vol: XX num: Pag: 1-28 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. . (2021)
Stubbington, Rachel; Sarremejane, Romain; Laini, Alex; Cid, Nuria; Csabai, Zoltan; England, Judy; Munne, Antoni; Aspin, Thomas; Bonada, Nuria; Bruno, Daniel; Cauvy-Fraunie, Sophie; Chadd, Richard; Dienstl, Claudia; Fortuno Estrada, Pau; Graf, Wolfram; Gutierrez-Canovas, Cayetano; House, Andy; Karaouzas, Ioannis; Kazila, Eleana; Millan, Andres; Morais, Manuela; Paril, Petr; Pickwell, Alex; Polasek, Marek; Sanchez-Fernandez, David; Tziortzis, Iakovos; Varbiro, Gabor; Voreadou, Catherina; Walker-Holden, Emma; White, James; Datry, Thibault Disentangling responses to natural stressor and human impact gradients in river ecosystems across Europe
Article: vol: 59 num: 2 Pag: 537-548 Journal of Applied Ecology. . (2021)
Swiderski, Z.; Conn, D.B.; Giese, E.G.; Pinheiro, R.H.S.; Miquel, J. Functional ultrastructure and cytochemistry of vitellogenesis stages of Rohdella amazonica (Aspidogastrea, Aspidogastridae, Rohdellinae), a parasite of the Amazoninan banded puffer fish Colomesus psittacus
Article: vol: 294 num: Pag: 106-113 Zoologischer Anzeiger. . (2021)
Sánchez-Fortún M; Vinyoles D; López-Carmona S; Carrasco JL.; Sanpera C. Effect of different rice farming practices on the bioavailability of mercury: A mesocosm experiment with common goldfish (Carassius auratus)
Article: vol: 201 num: Pag: 111486- Environmental Research. . (2021)
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