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Hugot, J.P.; Feliu, C.; Douanghoupha, B.; Ribas, A. Laoxyuris laonasti n.gen., n.sp. (Nematoda: Syphaciinae) parasite of Laonastes aenigmamus (Rodentia: Diatomyidae): morphology, biology, taxonomy, phylogeny
Article: vol: num: 16 Pag: 113-121 Infection Genetics And Evolution. . (2013)
Igea, J.; Aymerich, P.; Fernández-González, A.; González-Esteban, J.; Gómez, A.; Alonso, R.; Gosálbez, J.; Castresana. Phylogrphy and postglacial expansion of the endagered semi-aquatic mammal Galemys pyrenaicus.
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: 115- BMC Evolutionary Biology. . (2013)
Irigoien, I.; Mestres, F.; Arenas, C. The depth problem: identifying the most representative units in a data group
Article: vol: 10 num: 1 Pag: 161-172 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. . (2013)
Jorba, M.; García, C.; Ninot, J.M. Efectos de la aplicación de biosólidos en plantaciones de especies leñosas para restauración de canteras de caliza mediterráneas
Article: vol: 25 num: Pag: 109-118 Ecología. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/62781. (2013)
José-María, L.; Armengot, L.; Chamorro, L.; Sans, F.X. The conservation of arable weeds at crop edges of barley fields in northeast Spain
Article: vol: 163 num: Pag: 47-55 Annals of Applied Biology. . (2013)
Kamari, G.; Blanché, C. ; Siljak-Yakovlev, S. (eds) Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 22
Article: vol: 22 num: Pag: 211-232 Flora Mediterranea. . (2013)
Kamari, G.; Blanché, C. ; Siljak-Yakovlev, S. (eds) Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 23
Article: vol: 23 num: Pag: 255-291 Flora Mediterranea. . (2013)
Kersting, D.K.; Casado, C.; López-Legentil, S.; Linares, C. Unexpected divergent patterns in the sexual reproduction of the Mediterranean coral Cladocora caespitosa
Article: vol: 486 num: Pag: 165-171 Marine Ecology Progress Series. . (2013)
Kuntner, M.; Arnedo, M. A.; Trontelj, P.; Lokovšek, T.; Agnarsson, I. A molecular phylogeny of nephilid spiders: evolutionary history of a model lineage
Article: vol: 69 num: 3 Pag: 961-979 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. . (2013)
Librado, P.; Rozas, J. Uncovering the functional constraints underlying the genomic organisation of the Odorant-Binding Protein genes
Article: vol: 5 num: 11 Pag: 2096-2108 Genome Biology and Evolution. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/53453. (2013)
Lluent, A.; Anadon-Rosell, A.; Ninot, J.M.; Grau, O.; Carrillo, E. Phenology and seed setting success of snowbed plant species in contrasting snowmelt regimes in the Central Pyrenees
Article: vol: 208 num: Pag: 220-231 Flora. . (2013)
Lopez, M.; Foronda, P.; Feliu, C.; Hernández, M. Genetic characterization of black rat (Rattus rattus) of the Canary islands: origin and colonization
Article: vol: 15 num: 11 Pag: 2367-2372 Biological Invasions. . (2013)
Lopez-Legentil, S.; Erwin, P.M.; Velasco, M.; Turon, X. Growing or reproducing in a temperate sea: Optimization of resource allocation in a colonial ascidian
Article: vol: 132 num: 1 Pag: 69-80 Invertebrate Biology. . (2013)
Lopez-Pancorbo, A.; Boğaç Kunt, K.; Blagoev, G.; Deltshev, C.; Ribera, C. Nesticus dimensis new species, a new troglobitic spider from Turkey (Araneae, Nesticidae), with comments on its phylogenetic relationships
Article: vol: 3721 num: 2 Pag: 183-192 Zootaxa. . (2013)
Lázaro, E.M.; Riutort, M. Dugesia sicula (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida): the colonizing success of an asexual Planarian
Article: vol: 13 num: Pag: 268- BMC Evolutionary Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/52306. (2013)
López-Pujol, J.; Martinell, M. C.; Massó, S.; Rovira, A.M.; Bosch, M., Molero, J.; Simón, J.; Blanché, C. Conservation genetics of Dichoropetalum shottii (Apiaceae): is the legal protection of edge populations consistent with the genetic data?
Article: vol: 50 num: 4 Pag: 269-283 Annales Botanici Fennici. . (2013)
López-Pujol, J.; Martinell, M.C.; Massó, S.; Blanché, C.; Sáez, L. The 'paradigm of extremes': Extremely low genetic diversity in a extremely narrow endemic species, Coristospermum huteri (Umbelliferae)
Article: vol: 299 num: Pag: 439-446 Plant Systematics and Evolution. . (2013)
Maceda-Veiga, A.; Escribano-Alacid, J.; Sostoa, A. de; Gracía-Berthou, E. The aquarium trade as a potential source of fish introductions in southwestern Europe
Article: vol: 15 num: Pag: 2707-2716 Biological Invasions. . (2013)
Maceda-Veiga, A.; Monroy M.; Salvadó, H.; Cable J.; Sostoa, A. de Ectoparasites of native cyprinid Barbus haasi: first record of Trichodina acuta and Trichodina fultoni in Iberian catchments
Article: vol: 33 num: 6 Pag: 186-192 Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists. . (2013)
Maceda-Veiga, A.; Monroy, M.; Navarro, E.; Viscor, G.; de Sostoa, A. Metal concentrations and pathological responses of wild native fish exposed to sewage discharge in a Mediterranean river
Article: vol: 449 num: Pag: 9-19 Science of the Total Environment. . (2013)
Maceda-Veiga, A.; Sostoa, A. de; Sánchez-Espada, S. Factors affecting the establishment of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in the Mediterranean rivers of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula
Article: vol: 703 num: Pag: 33-45 Hydrobiologia. . (2013)
Macías-Hernández, N.; Bidegaray-Batista, L.; Emerson, B.; Oromí, P.; Arnedo, M.A. The Imprint of Geologic History on Within-Island Diversification of Woodlouse-Hunter Spiders (Araneae, Dysderidae) in the Canary Islands
Article: vol: 104 num: 3 Pag: 341-356 Journal of Heredity. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/54811. (2013)
Macías-Hernández, N.; Bidegaray-Batista, L.; Oromí, P.; Arnedo, M.A. The odd couple: contrasting phylogeographic patterns in two sympatric sibling species of woodlouse-hunter spiders in the Canary Islands
Article: vol: 51 num: 1 Pag: 29-37 Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/54810. (2013)
Marin, P.; Jover, Ll.; Petriz, J. A New Approach to CD34(+) Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Counting
Article: vol: 8 num: 2 Pag: 163-171 Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy. . (2013)
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