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Article: vol: 48 num: 1 Pag: 23-38 Folia Geobotanica. . (2013)
Nogué, S.; Arbulú, J.; Blanché, C. Toxicidad por el “agua de chocho'
Article: vol: 141 num: 6 Pag: 274-275 Medicina Clinica. . (2013)
Núñez-Pons, L.; Carbone, M.; Vázquez, J.; Gavagnin, M.; Avila, C. Lipophilic Defenses From Alcyonium Soft Corals of Antarctica
Article: vol: 39 num: 5 Pag: 675-685 Journal of Chemical Ecology. . (2013)
Obrador, B.; Pretus, J.Ll. Carbon and oxygen metabolism in a densely vegetated lagoon: implications of spatial heterogeneity
Article: vol: 32 num: Pag: 321-336 Limnetica. . (2013)
Opatova, V.; Bond, J. E.; Arnedo, M. A. Ancient origins of the Mediterranean trap-door spiders of the family Ctenizidae (Araneae, Mygalomorphae
Article: vol: 69 num: 3 Pag: 1135-1145 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. . (2013)
Ordóñez, V.; Pascual, M.; Rius, M.; Turon, X. Mixed but not admixed: a spatial analysis of genetic variation of an invasive ascidian on natural and artificial substrates
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Ordóñez, V.; Rius, M.; McQuaid, C.D.; Pineda, M.C.; Pascual, M.; Turon, X. Early biotic interactions among introduced and native benthic species reveal cryptic predation and shifts in larval behaviour
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Osorio, V.; Roca-Cusachs, M.; Goula, M. News on true bugs of Serra de Collserola Natural Park (NE Iberian Peninsula) and their potential use in environmental education (Insecta, Heteroptera)
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Ould-Ahmed1, N.; Gómez Garreta, A.; Ribera Siguan, M.A.; Bouguedoura, N. Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae from Algeria.I. Phaeophyceae
Article: vol: 70 num: 2 Pag: 136-143 Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid. . (2013)
Pagès, J.; Gera, A.; Romero, J.; Farina, S.; Garcia-Rubies, A.; Hereu, B.; Alcoverro, T. The Mediterranean benthic herbivores show diverse responses to extreme storm disturbances
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Pagès, J.F.; Bartumeus, F.; Hereu, B.; López-Sanz, A.; Romero, J.; Alcoverro, T. Evaluating a key herbivorous fish as a mobile link: a Brownian bridge approach
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Article: vol: 88 num: 3 Pag: 302-309 Journal of Helminthology. . (2013)
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Article: vol: 67 num: 1 Pag: 66-79 Evolution. . (2013)
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Pegueroles, C.; Aquadro, C.F.; Mestres, F.; Pascual, M. Gene flow and gene flux shape evolutionary patterns of variation in Drosophila subobscura
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Pellicer, J.; Garcia, S.; Vallès, J.; Kondo, K.; Garnatje, T. FISH mapping of 35S and 5S rRNA genes in Artemisia subgenus Dracunculus (Asteraceae): changes in loci number during polyploid evolution and its systematic implications
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Perea-Atienza, E.; Botta, M.; Salvenmoser, W.; Gschwentner, R.; Egger, B.; Kristof, A.; Martinez, P.; Achatz, J.G. Posterior regeneration in Isodiametra pulchra (Acoela, Acoelomorpha)
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Pineda, M.C.; López-Legentil, S.; Turon, X. Year-round reproduction in a seasonal sea: Biological cycle of the introduced ascidian Styela plicata in the Western Mediterranean
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Pita, L.; Erwin, P.M.; Turon, X.; Lopez-Legentil, S. Till death do us part: Stable sponge-bacteria associations under thermal and food shortage stresses
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Pita, L.; López-Legentil, S.; Erwin, P.M. Assessing the fidelity of sponge-bacteria relationships: Biogeography and host-specificity of bacterial communities in Ircina spp. from the Bahamas
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Pita, L.; Turon, X.; López-Legentil, S.; Erwin, P.M. Host rules: Spatial stability of bacterial communities associated with Ircinia spp. in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Article: vol: 86 num: Pag: 268-276 FEMS Microbiology Ecology. . (2013)
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Ponchon, A.; Grémillet, D.; Doligez, B.; Chambert, T.; Tveraa, T.; González-Solís, J.; Boulinier, T. Tracking prospecting movements involved in breeding habitat selection: insights, pitfalls and perspectives
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