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Miriam Serrano-Muñoz; Juli Pujade-Villar; Irene Lobato-Vila; Leticia Valencia-cuevas; Patricia Mussali-Galante; Elgar Castillo-Mendoza; Alicia Callejas-Chavero; Efraín Tovar-Sánchez Influence of elevation gradient on Cynipid galls and their associated insect communities: the case of Quercus rugosa (Fagaceae)
Article: vol: 16 num: Pag: 401-421 Arthropod-Plant Interactions. . (2022)
Mironov, S.V.; González-Solís, J.; Mihalca, A.D.; Stefan L.M. Feather mites of the genus Brephosceles Hull, 1934 (Acariformes: Alloptidae) from the European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus (Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae)
Article: vol: 27 num: Pag: 1273-1294 Systematic And Applied Acarology. . (2022)
Montes-Pérez, J.; Obrador, B.; Conejo-Orosa, T.; Rodríguez, V.; Marcé, R.; Escot, C.; Reyes, I.; Rodríguez, J.; Moreno-Ostos, E. Spatio-temporal variability of carbon dioxide and methane emissions from a Mediterranean reservoir
Article: vol: 41 num: Pag: - Limnetica. . (2022)
Montes-Pérez, J.J.; Marcé, R.; Obrador, B.; Conejo-Orosa, T.; Díez, J. L.; Escot, C.; Reyes, I.; Moreno-Ostos, E. Hydrology influences carbon flux through metabolic pathways in the hypolimnion of a Mediterranean reservoir
Article: vol: 84 num: Pag: 36- Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries. . (2022)
Muñoz A; Goñi R; Linares C; Kersting D; Stobart B; Mallol S; Zabala M; Díaz D Exploration of the inter-annual variability and multi-scale environmental drivers of European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas (Decapoda:Palinuridae) settlement in the NW Mediterranean.
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Marine Ecology. . (2022)
Navarro-Miró, D.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Ciaccia, C.; Testani, E.; Iocola, I.; Depalo, L.; Burgio, G.; Lakkenborg Kristensen, H.; Hefner, M.; Tamm, K.; Bender, I.; Persiani, A.; Diacono, M.; Montemurro, F.; Willekens, K.; Védie, H.; Bavec, M.; Robačer, M.; Arlotti, D.; Deltour, P.; De Neve, S.; Tsegaye Gebremikael, M.; Chamorro, L.; Caballero-López, B.; Pérez-Ferrer, A.; Canali, S.; Sans, F.X. The concurrent assessment of agronomic, ecological, and environmental variables enables better choice of agroecological service crop termination management
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Journal of Applied Ecology. . (2022)
Neto de Carvalho, C.; Muñiz, F.; Cáceres, L.M.; Belaústegui, Z.; Rodríguez-Vidal, J.; Belo, J.; Moreira, N.; Cachao, M.; Cunha, P.P.; Figueiredo, S.; Galán, J.M.; Zhang, Y.; Gómez, P.; Toscano, A.; Ruiz, F.; Ramírez-Cruzado, S.; Giles-Guzmán, F.; Finlayson, G.; Finlayson, S.; Finlayson, C. Aurochs roamed along the SW coast of Andalusia (Spain) during Late Pleistocene
Article: vol: 12:9911 num: Pag: 1-16 Scientific Reports. . (2022)
Noel Mata-Casanova; Jesús Selfa; Juli Pujade-Villar Revision of the Eurasian species of Aegilips Haliday, 1835 (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Anacharitinae)
Article: vol: 819 num: Pag: 108-139 European Journal of Taxonomy. . (2022)
Novák, J.; Magalhães, A.; Faulkes, Z.; Yonvitner, Y.; Maceda-Veiga, A.; Dahanukar, N.; Kawai, T.; Kalous, L.; Patoka, J. Ornamental aquaculture significantly affected by the 'Czech phenomenon'
Article: vol: 30 num: Pag: - Aquaculture. . (2022)
Odei Garcia-Garin; Wissam Sahyoun; Sopheak Net; Morgana Vighi; Alex Aguilar; Baghdad Ouddane; Gísli A.Víkingsson; Valerie Chosson; Asunción Borrell Intrapopulation and temporal differences of phthalate concentrations in North Atlantic fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus)
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Chemosphere. . (2022)
Ojeda, V.; Serra, B.; Lagares, C.; Rojo-Francàs, E.; Sellés, M.; Marco-Herrero, E.; García, E.; Farré, M.; Arenas, C.; Abelló, P.; Mestres, F. Interannual fluctuations in connectivity among crab populations (Liocarcinus depurator) along the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition.
Article: vol: 12 num: Pag: 9797- Scientific Reports. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/186736. (2022)
Ona, G.; Balant, M.; Bouso, J.C.; Gras, A.; Vallès, J.; Vitales, D.; Garnatje, T. The Use of Cannabis sativa L. for Pest Control: From the Ethnobotanical Knowledge to a Systematic Review of Experimental Studies.
Article: vol: 7 num: 4 Pag: 365-387 Cannabis And Cannabinoid Research. . (2022)
Ouled-Cheikh, J.; Coll, M.; Cardona, L.; Steenbeek, J.; Ramírez, F. Fisheries-enhanced pressure on Mediterranean regions and pelagic species already impacted by climate change.
Article: vol: 10 num: Pag: 1- Elementa-Science Of The Anthropocene. . (2022)
Paganos P; Ronchi P; Carl J; Mizzon G; Martinez P; Benvenuto G; and Arnone MI. Integrating single cell transcriptomics and volume electron microscopy confirms the presence of pancreatic acinar-like cells in sea urchins.
Article: vol: 10:991664 num: Pag: - Frontiers In Cell And Developmental Biology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192423. (2022)
Parada, M.; Vallès, J. El barretet o barret de paret.
Article: vol: 27 num: Pag: 51-51 Alberes. . (2022)
Pavlek, M.; Gauthier, J.; Tonzo, V.; Bilat, J.; Arnedo, M.A.; Alvarez, N. Life-history traits drive spatial genetic structuring in Dinaric cave spiders
Article: vol: 10 num: Pag: - Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution. . (2022)
Peris, D.; Mähler, B.; Kolibach, J. Review of the family Thanerocleridae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) and the description of Thanerosus gen. nov. from Cretaceous amber using micro-CT scanning
Article: vol: 13 num: 438 Pag: - Insects. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/185448. (2022)
Phyo Myint, E.E.; Sereemaspun, A.; Sjödin, H.; Rocklöv, J.; Lai, Y.S.; Ribas, A.; Pakdeenarong, N.; Nithikathkul, C. Surveillance model of parasitic zoonosis in cyprinoid fishes in northern zone and northeastern zone of Thailand and Myanmar Using GIS
Article: vol: 18 num: 2 Pag: - International Journal of Geoinformatics. . (2022)
Pilar Oliva-Vidal, P.;Hernández-Matías, A.; García, D.; Colomer, M.A.; Real, J.; Margalida, A. Griffon vultures, livestock and farmers: Unraveling a complex socio-economic ecological conflict from a conservation perspective.
Article: vol: 272 num: 109664 Pag: - Biological Conservation. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192545. (2022)
Pinar-Méndez A; Wangensteen OS; Præbel K; Galofré B; Méndez J; Blanch AR; Garcia-Aljaro C Monitoring bacterial community dynamics in a drinking water treatment plant: an integrative approach using metabarcoding and microbial indicators in large water volumes
Article: vol: 14 num: 9 Pag: 1435- Water. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/191241. (2022)
Pineda-Morante, D.; Fernández-Calero, J.M.; Pölsterl, S.; Cunillera-Montcusí, D.; Bonada, N.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M. Local hydrological conditions and spatial connectivity shape invertebrate communities after rewetting in temporary rivers
Article: vol: 849 num: Pag: 1511-1530 Hydrobiologia. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192862. (2022)
Pironon, Samuel; Gómez, Daniel; Font, Xavier; García, María B. Living at the limit in the Pyrenees: Peripheral and endemic plants are rare but underrepresented in protection lists
Article: vol: num: 28 Pag: 930-942 Diversity and Distributions. . (2022)
Pozzo-Pirotta, L.; Montes-Pérez, J.; Sammartino, S.; Marcé, S.; Obrador, B.; Escot, C.; Reyes I.; E. Moreno-Ostos, E. Carbon dioxide emission from drawdown areas of a Mediterranean reservoir
Article: vol: 41 num: Pag: 61-72 Limnetica. . (2022)
Puig-Gironès, R.; Ferret, A.; Rollan, A.; Real, J. Long‑term response of open‑habitats species to wildfre salvage logging: the endangered European wild rabbit as example.
Article: vol: num: Pag: - European Journal of Forest Research. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192544. (2022)
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