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Puig-Gironès, R.; Real, J. A comprehensive but practical methodology for selecting biological indicators for long-term monitoring.
Article: vol: 17 num: 3 Pag: - PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192523. (2022)
Pérez-Cano, Jordi; Bover-Arnal, Telm; Martín-Closas, Carles Charophyte communities in Barremian Iberian wetlands
Article: vol: 68 num: 3 Pag: - Facies. . (2022)
R. Guerrero, M. Berlanga Gigantes enanos
Article: vol: num: 116 Pag: 110-111 Mètode. Revista de difusión de la investigación. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/193989. (2022)
R. Guerrero; M. Berlanga Gegants nans
Article: vol: num: 116 Pag: 110-111 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/193988. (2022)
R. Guerrero; M. Berlanga Microbiota, microbioma i microbis: menuts però essencials
Article: vol: num: 115 Pag: 12-13 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/193986. (2022)
R. Guerrero; M. Berlanga Microbiota, microbioma y microbios: pequeños pero esenciales
Article: vol: num: 115 Pag: 108-108 Mètode. Revista de difusió de la investigació. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/194007. (2022)
Rech, G.E.; Radío, S.; Guirao-Rico, S.; Aguilera, L.; Horvath, V.; Green, L.; Lindstadt, L.; Jamilloux, V.; Quesneville, H.; González, J. Population-scale long-read sequencing uncovers transposable elements associated with gene expression variation and adaptive signatures in Drosophila
Article: vol: 13 num: 1948 Pag: 1-16 Nature Communications. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/185555. (2022)
Reolid, M.; Muñiz, F.; Toscano, A.; Belaústegui, Z. First record of fossil sauropterygians from the Upper Triassic of Southwestern Spain (Ayamonte, provincia de Huelva)
Article: vol: 78 num: 1 Pag: 1-11 Estudios Geológicos. . (2022)
Ribas, A.; Henttonen, H.; Morand, S. Editorial: Stowaways of a Stowaway: Parasites of Invasive Rodents
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Frontiers In Veterinary Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/192467. (2022)
Ricardo Clark-Tapia; V. Rodríguez-Rivera; Juli Pujade-Villar; Cecilia Alfonso-Corrado; V. Aguirre-Hidalgo; Felipe Tafoya Cecidology as an Indirect Method to estimate richness and diversity of wasp species at Sierra Fría, Aguascalientes, Mexico
Article: vol: 47 num: 1 Pag: 147-159 Southwestern Entomologist. . (2022)
Rinkevich B.; Ballarin L.; Martinez, P.; Somorjai, I.; Ben-Hamo, O.; Borisenko, I.; Berezikov, E.; Ereskovsky, AV.; Gazave E.; Khnykin, D.; Manni L.; Petukhova, O.; Rosner, A.; Rottinger E.; Spagnuolo, A.; Sugni, M.; Tiozzo S.; and Hobmayer B. A pan-metazoan concept for adult stem cells: The wobbling Penrose landscape
Article: vol: 97 num: 1 Pag: 299-325 Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. . (2022)
Roció Pérez-Portela; Carlos Leiva Sex-specific transcriptomic differences in the immune cells of a key Atlantic-Mediterranean sea urchin
Article: vol: 9 num: 908387 Pag: 1-10 Frontiers In Marine Science. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/189806. (2022)
Romero-Lebrón, E.; Robledo, J.M.; Delclòs, X.; Petrulevicius, J.F.; Gleiser, R.M. Endophytic insect oviposition traces in deep time.
Article: vol: 590 num: Pag: 110855- Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. . (2022)
Rondón, J.J.; Moreyra, N.N.; Pisarenco V.A.; Rozas, J.; Hurtado, J.; Hasson, E. Evolution of the odorant-binding protein gene family in Drosophila
Article: vol: 10 num: Pag: 957247- Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/194228. (2022)
Rosa Fernández, Vanina Tonzo, Carolina Simón Guerrero, Jesus Lozano-Fernandez, Gemma I Martínez-Redondo, Pau Balart-García, Leandro Aristide, Klara Eleftheriadi, Carlos Vargas-Chávez MATEdb, a data repository of high-quality metazoan transcriptome assemblies to accelerate phylogenomic studies
Article: vol: 2 num: e58 Pag: 1-8 Peer Community Journal. . (2022)
Rowell D; Arafeh-Dalmau N; Fuller R; Possingham H; Hereu B Efficient small-scale marine reserve design requires high-resolution biodiversity and stakeholder data
Article: vol: 223 num: Pag: 106152- Ocean & Coastal Management. . (2022)
Salmona; J.; Dayon; J.; Lecompte; E.; Karamanlidis; A. A.; Aguilar; A.; de Larrinoa; P. F.; Pires R.; Mo G.; Panou; A.; Agnesi S.; Borrell A.; Danyer E.; Öztürk B.; Tonay A. M.; Anestis; A.K.; González L. M.; Dendrinos P Gaubert; P. The antique genetic plight of the Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
Article: vol: 20220846 num: Pag: - Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. . (2022)
Salvador, X.; Fernández-Vilert, R.; Moles, J. Sea slug night fever: 39 new records of elusive heterobranchs in the western Mediterranean (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Article: vol: 56 num: 5-8 Pag: 265-310 Journal of Natural History. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/194354. (2022)
Samarra; F. Borrell A.; Selbmann A.; Halldórson S. D.; Pampoulie Ch.; Chosson V.; Gunnlaugsson T.; Sigurðsson G. M.; Aguilar A.; Víkingsson G. A. Insights into the trophic ecology of white-beaked dolphins (Lagenorhynchus albirostris) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Icelandic.
Article: vol: 702 num: Pag: 139-152 Marine Ecology Progress Series. . (2022)
Sanchez-Donoso, I.; Ravagni, S.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D.; Christmas, M.J.; Huang, J.; Maldonado-Linares, A.; Puigcerver, M.; Jiménez-Blasco, I.; Andrade, P.; Gonçalves, D.; Friis, G.; Roig, I.; Webster, M.T.; Leonard, J.A.; Vilà, C. Massive genome inversion drives coexistence of divergent morphs in common quails
Article: vol: 31 num: Pag: 1-8 Current Biology. . (2022)
Sancho‐Balsells, A.; García‐García, E.; Flotta, F.; Chen, W.; Alberch, J.; Rodríguez, M.J.; Avila, C.; Giralt, A. Meridianins inhibit GSK3β in vivo and improve behavioral alterations induced by chronic stress.
Article: vol: 20 num: 648 Pag: 1-16 Marine Drugs. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/190107. (2022)
Sandra Hochscheid; Fulvio Maffucci; Elena Abella; Marco Adolfo; Mohamed Nejmeddine Bradai; Andrea Camedda; Carlos Carreras; Françoise Claro; Giuseppe Andrea de Lucia; Imed Jribi; Cecilia Mancusi; Nicola Marrone; Luana Papetti; Ohiana Revuelta; Salvatore Urso; Jesús Tomás Nesting range expansion of loggerhead turtles in the Mediterranean: phenology, spatial distribution and conservation implications.
Article: vol: 38 num: Pag: e02194- Global Ecology and Conservation. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/197434. (2022)
Sanjuan, J.; Matamoros, D.; Casanovas-Vilar, I.; Vicente, A.; Moreno-Bedmar, J.A.; Holmes, J.; Martín-Closas, C. Palaeoecology of Middle Miocene charophytes from the VallèsPenedès and Vilanova basins (Catalonia, Spain)
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Historical Biology. . (2022)
Sanjuan-Muñoz, A.; Bustos-Montes, D.; Polo-Silva, C. J.; Henao-Castro, A.; Marrugo, M.; Delgado-Huertas, A.; Vinyoles-Cartanyà, D.; Acero P. Biology and ecology of lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Corales de Profundidad Natural National Park, Colombian Caribbean
Article: vol: 51 num: 1 Pag: 75-98 Butlletin of Marine and Coastal Research = Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. . (2022)
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