Utilitzem galetes pròpies i de tercers per oferir els nostres serveis i recollir dades estadístiques. Continuar navegant implica la seva acceptació. Més informació



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López-Legentil, S.; Turon, X. Pump water or produce larvae? Oscula occlusion during the reproductive period of the sponge Svenzea zeai
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López-Legentil, S; Song, B; Bosch, M; Pawlik, JR; Turon, X Cyanobacterial diversity and a new Acaryochloris-like symbiont from Bahamian sea-squirts
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Marigo, A.M.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Spermiogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure of the dilepidid cestode Molluscotaenia crassiscolex (von Linstow, 1890), an intestinal parasite of the common shrew Sorex araneus
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Marigo, A.M.; Eira, C.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Spermatological characters of Acanthobothrium crassicolle Wedl, 1855 (Tetraphyllidea, Onchobothriidae), a parasite of the common stingray Dasyatis pastinaca
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Marigo, A.M.; Eira, C.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Spermiogenesis and spermatozoon ultrastructure of the diphyllidean cestode Echinobothrium euterpes (Neifar, Tyler and Euzet 2001) Tyler 2006, a parasite of the common guitarfish Rhinobatos rhinobatos
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Marigo, A.M.; Miquel, J. El espermatozoide de los Bothriocephalidea (Cestoda): nuevos datos referentes a Clestobothrium crassiceps
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Marigo, A.M.; Swiderski, Z.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Spermiogenesis and ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of the trypanorhynch cestode Aporhynchus menezesi (Aporhynchidae), a parasite of the velvet belly lanternshark Etmopterus spinax (Elasmobranchii, Etmopteridae)
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Martin-Alonso, A.; Foronda, P.; Quispe-Ricalde, M.A.; Feliu, C.; Valladares, B. Seroprevalence of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in wild rodents from the Canary Islands
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Martinell, M.C.; López-Pujol, J.; Blanché, C.; Molero, J.; Sáez, Ll. Conservation assessment of the narow endemic, taxonomically upgraded columbine Aquilegia paui Font Quer (Ranunculaceae)
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Martinell, M.C.; Massó, S.; López-Pujol, J.; Bosch, M.; Blanché, C. Silene sennenii, un edemisme empordanès en perill d'extinció
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Martinell, M.C.; Rovira, A.; Blanché, C.; Bosch, M. Shift towards autogamy in the extremely narrow endemic Aquilegia paui and comparison with its widespread close relative A. vulgaris (Ranunculaceae)
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Mestres, F. Evolución: de la especie humana al cyborg
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Molina-Vacas, G.; Bonet-Arbolí, V.; Rodríguez-Teijeiro, J.D. Habitat selection of two medium-sized carnivores in an isolated and highly anthropogenic Mediterranean park: the importance of riverbank vegetation
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Moreno, R.; Jover, L.; Velando, A.; Munilla, I.; Sanpera, C. Influence of trophic ecology and spatial variation on the isotopic fingerprints of seabirds
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Muñoz-Muñoz, F.; Sans-Fuentes, M.A.; López-Fuster, M.J.; Ventura, J. Evolutionary modularity of the mouse mandible: dissecting the effect of chromosomal reorganizations and isolation by distance in a Robertsonian system of mus musculus domesticus
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Ortega-Blanco, J.; Delclòs, X.; Engel, M. S. Diverse stigmaphronid wasps in Early Cretaceous amber from Spain (Hymenoptera; Ceraphronoidea; Stigmaphronidae)
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