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De Mendoza, A.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. New genomes, new taxa and deep questions in the eukaryotic tree of life: a meeting report on the EMBO comparative genomics conference
Article: vol: 2 num: 22 Pag: - Evodevo. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/122860. (2011)
De Mendoza, A.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. The mysterious Evolutionary Origin for the GNE gene and the root of Bilateria
Article: vol: 28 num: 11 Pag: 2987-2991 Molecular Biology and Evolution. . (2011)
Delgado, L.; Guerao, G.; Ribera, C. Effects of Different Salinities on Juvenile Growth of Gammarus aequicauda (Malacostraca: Amphipoda)
Article: vol: 2011 num: Pag: 1-6 International Journal of Zoology. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/47105. (2011)
Drago, M.; Cardona, L.; García, N.; Ameghino, S.; Aguilar, A. Influence of colony size on pup fitness and survival in the South American sea lion
Article: vol: 27 num: 1 Pag: 167-181 Marine Mammal Science. . (2011)
El Moncer, W.; Bahri, R.; Esteban, E.; Abdenni-Guenounou, B.; Moral, P.; Ben Chibani, J.; Chaabani, H. Research of the origin of a particular Tunisian group using a physical marker and Alu insertion polymorphisms
Article: vol: 34 num: 3 Pag: 371-376 Genetics and Molecular Biology. . (2011)
Erwin, P.; Lopez-Legentil, S.; Schuhmann, P. The pharmaceutical value of marine biodiversity for anti-cancer drug discovery
Article: vol: 70 num: Pag: 445-451 Ecological Economics. . (2011)
Fairhurst, G.D.; J.Navarro; J.González-Solís; T.A.Marchant; G.R.Bortolotti Feather corticosterone of a nestling seabird reveals consequences of sex-specific parental investment
Article: vol: 279 num: Pag: 177-184 Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. . (2011)
Fernández-Brime, S.; Llimona, X.; Molnar, K.; Stenroos, S.; Högnabba, F.; Björk, C.; Lutzoni, F.; Gaya, E. Expansion of the Stictidaceae by the addition of the saxicolous lichen-forming genus Ingvariella

Article: vol: 103 num: 4 Pag: - Mycologia. . (2011)
Ferrer, X. Joaquim Maluquer Sostres,un amagat fundador i protector de DEPANA
Article: vol: 19 num: 2-3 Pag: 10-12 L'Agró Negre. . (2011)
Ferrer, X. Joaquím Maluquer, el político ecologista
Article: vol: 8 num: Pag: 23-23 Aves y Naturaleza. . (2011)
Ferrer, X. La Investigación ornitológica llevada a la práctica.
Article: vol: 4 num: Pag: 23-23 Aves y Naturaleza. . (2011)
Foote, C.G.; F.Daunt; J.González-Solís; L.Nasir; R.A.Phillips; P.Monaghan Individual state and survival prospects: age, sex and telomere length in a long-lived seabird
Article: vol: 22 num: Pag: 156-161 Behavioral Ecology. . (2011)
Foronda, P.; Martin-Alonso, A.; Del Castillo, B.; Feliu, C.; Gil, H.; Valladares, B. Pathogenic Leptospiraspp in wild rodents, Canary islands, Spain.
Article: vol: 17 num: 9 Pag: 1781-1782 Emerging Infectious Diseases. . (2011)
Framis, H.; Holroyd, G.L.; Mañosa, S. Home range and habitat use of little owl (athene noctua) in an agricultural landscape in coastal catalonia, Spain
Article: vol: 34 num: 2 Pag: 369-378 Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/144669. (2011)
Frederiksen,M.; Moe, B.; Barrett, R.T.; Bogdanova, M.I.; Boulinier, T.; Chardine, J.W.; Chastel, O.; Chivers, L.S.; Christensen-Dalsgaard, S.; Clément-Chastel, C.; Colhoun, K.; Daunt, F.; Gaston, A.J.; González-Solís, J.; Goutte, A.; Grémillet, D.; Guilford, T.; Jensen, G.H.; Krasnov, Y.; Lorentsen, S.; Mallory, M.L.; Newell, M.; Olsen, B.; Phillips, A.; Shaw, D.; Steen, H.; Strøm, H.; Systad, G.H.; Thórarinsson, T.L.; Anker-Nilssen, T. Multi-colony tracking reveals the non-breeding distribution of a pelagic seabird on an ocean basin scale
Article: vol: 18 num: Pag: 530-542 Diversity and Distributions. . (2011)
Garcia, S., Garnatje, T., McArthur, E.D, Pellicer, J., Sanderson, S.C., Vallès, J. Taxonomic and nomenclatural rearrangements in Artemisia subgen. Tridentatae including a redefinition of Sphaeromeria (Asteraceae, Anthemideae)
Article: vol: 71 num: Pag: 158-163 Western North American Naturalist. . (2011)
Garcia, S.; McArthur, E.D.; Pellicer, J.; Sanderson, S.C.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. A molecular phylogenetic approach to western North America endemic Artemisia and allies (Asteraceae): untangling the sagebrushes
Article: vol: 98 num: Pag: 638-653 American Journal of Botany. . (2011)
Garcia-Orellana, J.; Cañas, L.; Masqué, P.; Obrador, B.; Olid, C.; Pretus, J.L. Chronological reconstruction of metal contamination in the Port of Maó (Minorca, Spain)
Article: vol: 62 num: Pag: 1632-1640 Marine Pollution Bulletin. . (2011)
García, J.T.; Mañosa, S.; Morales, M.B.; Ponjoan, A.; García de la Morena, E.; Bota, G.; Bretagnolle, V.; Dávila, J.A. Genetic consequences of interglacial isolation in a steppe bird
Article: vol: 61 num: Pag: 671-676 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. . (2011)
García-Roger, E.M.; Sánchez-Montoya, M.M.; Gómez, R.; Suárez, M.L.; Vidal-Abarca, M.R.; Latron, J.; Rieradevall, M.; Prat, N. Do seasonal changes in habitat features influence aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in permanent versustemporary mediterranean streams?
Article: vol: 73 num: Pag: 567-579 Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries. . (2011)
Garnatje, T.; Canela, M.Á.; García, S.; Hidalgo, O.; Pellicer, J.; Sánchez-Jiménez, I.; Siljak-Yakovlev, S.; Vitales, D.; Vallès, J. GSAD: a genome size in the Asteraceae database
Article: vol: 79A num: Pag: 401-404 Cytometry Part A. . (2011)
Gaya, E.; Redelings, B.D.; Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Llimona, X. De Cáceres, M; Lutzoni, F. Align or not align? Resolving species complexes within Caloplaca saxicola group as a case study
Article: vol: 103 num: 2 Pag: 0-18 Mycologia. . (2011)
Gayà-Vidal, M.; Moral, P.; Saenz-Ruales, N.; Gerbault, P.; Tonasso, L.; Villena, M.; Vasquez, R.; Bravi, C.M.; Dugoujon, J.M. mtDNA and Y-chromosome diversity in Aymaras and Quechuas from Bolivia: different stories and special genetic traits of the Andean Altiplano populations.
Article: vol: 145 num: 2 Pag: 215-230 American Journal of Physical Anthropology. . (2011)
Gibert de, J.M.; Ramos, E.; Marzo, M. Trace fossils and depositional environments in the Hawaz Formation, Middle ordovician, western Libya.
Article: vol: 60 num: Pag: 28-37 Journal of African Earth Sciences. . (2011)
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