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AGAUR certifies, with 15 consolidated research groups, the excellence in research at IRBio

Last January, the Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) published the resolution of the call that supports the activities of research groups (SGR-Cat 2021) for the period 2022-2024. This call has an important impact on the Catalan scientific system as it recognizes research groups of excellence in different disciplines. In addition, it aims to boost scientific activities and strengthen the academic, economic and social impact of research, as well as to promote its international projection.

Up to 15 consolidated research groups (CRGs) have been recognized among IRBio researchers. Of these recognized CRGs, up to 9 of them, the principal investigator as well as a high percentage of their team or all of them belong to IRBio. Moreover, 6 additional groups include researchers from IRBio, although the principal investigator belongs to another department of the UB itself or to other institutions, such as IBB, UdG, ICM-CSIC, etc.

The recognition by AGAUR of the research groups is an indicator of excellence in research by the research staff of IRBio and the University of Barcelona.

The working topics of the groups belong to different scientific fields, and include genetics, evolutionary biology, ecology, biodiversity conservation, climate change adaptation, ethnobotany, agroecology, and paleontology, and are carried out in all types of ecosystems, marine, terrestrial and inland water.

Consolidated research groups


2021 SGR 00311 GRC Agroecologia

F. Xavier Sans

2021 SGR 00327 GRC Ecologia tròfica i del moviment dels vertebrats (ECOVERT)

Lluis Cardona

2021 SGR 00692 GRC Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management

Núria Bonada

2021 SGR 00279 GRC Molecular Evolutionary Genetics

Julio Rozas

2021 SGR 00689 GRC Sistemàtica i Evolució Zoològica (ZooSysEvo)

Miquel Arnedo

2021 SGR 00675 GRC Antioxidants en Agrobiotecnologia

Sergi Munné

2021 SGR 01271 GRC Marine Biodiversity and Evolution (MBE)

Marta Pascual

2021 SGR 00315 GRC Biodiversitat i biosistemàtica vegetals (GReB) UB-CSIC

Joan Vallès

2021 SGR 01073 GRC Biologia de la conservació en ecosistemes marins (MEDRECOVER) UB-UdG-CSIC

Cristina Linares

Consolidated research groups

IP no IRBio

2021 SGR 01109 GRC Ecogenètica i diversitat microbianes

Teresa Vinuesa

2021 SGR 00372 GRC EvoDevo-CAT

Jordi García

2021 SGR 00530 GRC Forest and Stream Ecological Links: Watershed Management and Restoration (FORESTREAM)

Santi Sabaté

2021 SGR 00349 GRC Geologia Sedimentària

Telm Bover Arnal

2021 SGR 00706 GRC Gens, ambient i fenotips: etapes del desenvolupament en l'estudi dels trastorns mentals i altres malalties complexes en poblacions humanes (Complex_Fen_GxExD) 

Lourdes Fañanás Saura 

2021 SGR 01103 GRC Paleogeoecology and Natural Hazards (PaleoRisk); Paleogeoecologia i Riscos Naturals (PaleoRisk)

Lothar Schulte