Hypobaria and Biomedical Physiology Service

  Servei d'Hipobària i Fisiologia Biomédica



–The Service has as an aim to offer to sportsmen, certain patients or public in general, a range of programs of intermittent exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, tolerance to hypoxia tests, and other procedures, like technical trials of instruments or equipments, based on the exposure to a low environmental pressure.

 Equipment: The Service has a modern fully instrumented hypobaric chamber under computer control and able until to 10 people. Another medical and scientific instrumentation allows to guarantee the maximal security of the procedures and to individually control the physiological responses elicited by the exposure to hypoxia. In normal conditions, and for reasons of security and effectiveness, the limit of maximum simulated altitude is limited to 5,500 meters above the sea level.


Dirigit a:

Hypoxia Test

Measures sensitivity to hypoxia, which is related to the risk of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness).

Anyone who has to travel or stay in locations at high altitude (over 2000-2500 m).

Programme for pre-acclimation

Shortens the period of acclimation to high altitude, thus reducing the cost of the expedition and increasing the chances of success.

Climbing expeditions at high altitude.

(Several sessions are needed)

Programme of intermittent exposure to hypoxia

Elicits an adaptative response at hematological, respiratory and cardiovascular levels, thus increasing the aerobic work capacity.

Sportsmen or women, patients or anyone needing to improve their aerobic capacity or increase their blood oxygen transport capacity.

(Several sessions are needed)

Technical tests

Tests any kind of device or equipment under low environmental pressure conditions.

Industrial processes in general, manufacturers of equipment and high mountain accesories.

Performance capacity test

To accurately establish the individual workload capacity.

Anyone who wishes to evaluate their physical capacity before and after the programme of exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.

Additional or supplemental analysis

To monitor and control the evolution of various physiological parameters.

Everyone desiring to quantify the variations elicited by intermittent exposure to hypobaric hypoxia.


Comments: webmaster.
Last update: 22.10.2015